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Now that you say rabbit @Shaz51 , my rabbit died earlier this year. It was a pure white mini-lop with blue eyes. I believe she contracted COVID. All the symptoms were COVID related and someone with COVID was cuddling and kissing her before she got sick....


Why I'm sharing this is, I've been driving on the same road every weekday... in the last few weeks, I've been seeing this white rabbit hopping around happily on the roadside. I ignore it, then in a few days, I see it again! 


I don't know whether to leave the rabbit be or go and see if it belongs to anyone... 


I mean, how often do you see a pure white rabbit hopping on the road side? Of course you see feral ones or dead ones... but a pure white one just like mine?


What would you do @greenpea ?


@tyme  oh tyme you must go and save that bunny. if you dont a dog will get it or it will get run over plus the weather is going to be cold and wet. bunny will be scared as they are sensitive intelligent creatures.  it is a sign that the bunny needs you.


Why should bunnies be indoors in Australia @greenpea - weather?

I used to let her roam in the day in a huge run, then put her in a hutch in the evening to sleep.


@tyme   i will tell you a true story. i once saved a bunny outside a pub! it was skin and bones. we fattened it up but it was aggressive to our alpha female so i had to rehome it but it leads a wonderful life now. it is a sign hunny.


Thanks from me too @MDT your post was excellent.


I am grateful to live in Australia too even though I feel that I’m living in someone else’s country. This is a good country and I love living in Qld.

thanks for the tag @tyme …no white bunnies here…illegal to have pet rabbits.


@tyme  the government has/does release two fatal diseases for rabbits one of which we are not allowed to vaccinate our pet bunnies!!! it kills the rabbits in a painful death and is carried by insects like mozzies and flies.


oooooo @greenpea - that's just what I needed to hear. I was scared the bunny belongs to someone and I didn't want to 'take it'. But I've been seeing it so often and it's on the roadside.


Next time I see it, I will definitely stop and have a go and helping it. I'll then ask the houses if it belongs to them...


Oh @greenpea ! Makes sense. This rabbit was given to me by a neighbour. At least now I know... for next time if there is a next time.


@tyme  i hope you find the bunny again.  let me know i will have my fingers crossed.


So much to learn @Eve7 - so having pet rabbits are illegal in QLD? I vaguely remember reading something about that... but not even as house pets? 😞