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Thank you so much for sharing - there is truly power in exercising gratitude @RedHorse . I need that constant reminder.


Tonight I am grateful for the fact that I will be seeing my beloved daughter tomorrow 👩‍👧


Tonight I'm grateful for the Serenity Prayer.


Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other.









Today I am grateful for my amazing MH nurse and for these forums the members and amazing peer support team @tyme @Former-Member 


@Captain24 @Shaz51 @Dimity @RedHorse @MDT 


Today, I'm grateful for life and breath. I'm grateful that I am alive to share the hope that once kept me going. I'm grateful for my forums family here 🙂


I am grateful we live in a safe and secure country where there is no threat of civil war or turmoil from government.

Where we can call the police and they will help us. Where we can call an ambulance and they will help us without asking for our credit card.

Where I can catch transport that is provided to me and I don't have to do anything except place a plastic card against a machine

Where the sun rises and I can see it and see it set too

I just got an uber and spoke to the driver who was originally from Pakistan. Before he had Permanent residency he had to pay 160 thousand dollars to make sure his daughter was born safe 3 months early.

I am grateful that I have access to things like the forum while on a small device that is powered by something strong than what they sent man to the moon on. That is connected to a world wide network that allows us all to keep in contact with anyone in this world.

I am grateful for my family. Who have supported me.

I am grateful for so many things.


Wow @MDT - what an incredible post @MDT ! Your post made me really consider how lucky we are. So true in terms of government, war, police, safety, technology....


We really are more fortunate than we realise sometimes.


I really appreciate you bringing all these things to my attention! 


I hope you don't mind me sharing your above post with others here @Shaz51 @Captain24 @Dimity @RedHorse @maddison @Eve7 @Former-Member @Historylover @tonys @tired_sisyphus @Determined @greenpea @BlueBay @Miss_Me @Thao @plasmo @creative_writer @Eden1919 


i feel grateful in being alive after being so sick last year. grateful for my kids and pet rabbit.


That's so special @greenpea - I am grateful to have you too! 


How old is your rabbit now? I remember when your rabbit once decided to tangle and nearly strangle itself! If they say cats have 9 lives, how many lives do rabbits have?


@tyme  he is about 7 normally bunnies live to about 10 years if they are indoors bunnies which they all should be in australia. he is looking a bit moth eaten these days.