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Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hello @Polly48, how are you today ?

My garden is starting to look better now through your encouragement  and my hubby transplanted 81 pieces of a hedge along our borderline next to our drain which i hope will stop erosion

Hello @MoonGal, @Former-Member, @Drac0, @Appleblossom, how are you today ?

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

That is soooo great @Angels333 

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting you are you tonight? 

I often think of you.....Im sorry to read of ;  burstitis in both shoulders...what is this exactly ? So this is where all has been hanging out.......well there you go.......

Hi Everyone else......



Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi PeppiPatty. I also think of how Moongal is going. She struggles on and is always so wise in her comments on Living well forum.Hello Moongal hope your painful shoulder is easing.
Hi Shaz51. My hubby dug the big holes for the roses they had been in pots since Summerpatiently waiting for me to get enthused in gardening again.Peter weeded the beds so I just had to do it. So pleased with our effort.The rain gave them a good start. What sort of hedge is it and we're your plants cuttings you started yourself. 81 plants what an effort.
I still have to get Peter to dig holes for my natives that are going by front fence.Hi Angels 333 yes I agree that portion control and exercise are the keys. Just eat off a smaller plates do only have one small treat a day eh square of chocolate or small muffin or 1/2 date scone 1 biscuit.Im only trying to get back into size 14 jeans, am wearing elastic waisted pants at presents on tide me over put on weight last holiday in 2015 and wasn't exercising due to a major low phase. Now I am watching my diet and exercising I'm gradually reshaping. Don't worry about scales just accept the compliments, Angel333 and others and if you feel healthy be happy with yourself whatever your shape. Cheers everyone. I'm going to Melbourne on train this morning early start 4:15 to get to station on time for 6 o'clock train.Looking forward to a day out with my so and teenage grandkids. We have to pick up his vehicle after smash repairs completed. Hi to everyone else trying to get healthier.

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

@Polly48@PeppiPatty@Shaz51@Appleblossom, @Former-Member


Hey everyOne. Thanks for the mentions. Coming off the back of the horror stretch after a medication change and as mentioned the new regimen in swimming and resistance weights, although I only went a couple of times, when I FINALLY! got in the pool within a nano-second the burstitis revved up. (Burstitis is immflamation of the Bursa (part of the shoulder joint) that gets immflamed, it is very painful and restricts arm movement, most people tend to get it in only one shoulder, I got the lucky prize of both shoulders. grrrr. So swimming is out, I could still go to work my legs, walk and do noodle excercises but haven;t yet. And now its coming in cold, brrrr. Pool might have to wait until spring again.

My elderly mother is in Acute Care since tuesday night and I am back and forth to the hospital and my beautiful dog has developed a very bad limp (which may be a physical injury but I suspect it is behavioural because she is being left nearly all day while I attend to the crisis with Mum.) So off to the vet with he tommorow.

I did go for a walk yesterday - but really the excercise I get walking from car park to hostipal room and back several times as day is huge! 

I am channeling a big person and doing everything I must do, but must admit to feeling a tad wobbly dealing with family, hospital staff and etc , but I am coping well. 

Hope everyone elses days are going okay. Cheers all.

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

I must comment @MoonGal

"the body who Heals itself....the book; rings memories in my mind when I see my son and what he is going soon as he moved in with me, he began vomitting and getting huge headaches as soon as he moved in with me....and sorting out his memories of sexual abuse....a bit like bad for him to live here but also good. Im not quite sure what he is going to do. 

He might have been getting them before he moved in with me so we will see what happens. 

Also, my Mum always has a this.meltdown when he and me gets close...her new .drama is cutting me off all communication but emailing and thats it me thinks.... matbe I can call her, she might not have sut me off that one yet....

I wonder if all the caring for yourself is also ringing in your ears. You do care for yourself so well. A lot better than others, it's like you do understand your body ? Do you feel this ?

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi @PeppiPatty, I do care for myeslf n some ways and not in others. I have put on a fair bit of extra padding devouring comfort chocolate and soy icecrem in larger amounts the past couple of months, but I am fairly sanguine about that it is just what I needed to do to cope, I notie now I have settled again the craving to eat sugar/sweet is lessening too.

I have been triggered alot this last few days, but managing to catch it and shelve it immeditaley I do not have time to meltdown and I want to channel the woman I want the world to see, not a wobbly mess. I had a meltdown in the lift as I left the hospital yesterday but by the time the doors opened aaprt from tears standing in my eyes I exited calmly and proceeded to my car. So I have a firm grip of life, the new meds are helping that.

*chanelling just means 'acting as if" or acting like a clam, reasonable, wise and considered person (I know I don;t actually channel some other being!).

It helps to visualise myself as to how I want to appear to others, and practice that and be that. I hate being hijacked by my emotions - having a mood disorder is like being held to ransom by your own brain.

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hello @Polly48,

we did mum`s garden last weekend , and we took a trailer load to the dump , she got us to dig out all her plants that looks like some kind of grass , I will have to ask her what they are called .

we took them home and pulled them all apart , that is why we had so many , we have had some nice rain so i hope the plants will live

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hello @MoonGal, it is soo great to hear from you

we are with you all the steps of the way

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi all draft of my post April 9 does it still exist anymore I have just lost page and can't find post again.can someone please tell me how to find it again.