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Re: Exercise and Goal Setting


, how are you today , hope everything is good

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

It's great to hear about everyone's progress.

May I just add here that one day or a few days slump is still progress in the overall scheme of things. For instance, sometimes I don't feel well and will have pass doing exercise, but overall, considering that it is something that I do regularly now is still a big improvement if I think about the last year or two. 

As my yoga teacher once said to me, sometimes the hardest thing is knowing when to stop. This made me think about why I even bother with yoga in the first place? My answer: self care! If it gets to a point where I'm not sure that it's good for me because I'm tired or injured then it's time to adjust my approach in a way that is good for my body and my mind. 

The trick is to know when my mind is playing tricks on me and to figure out if I am being slack or if my body needs a break. It's hard to know, and I still struggle with figuring what is what. But the promise I make to myself is to have a plan for the week, but take each day as it comes. Gently bently. Smiley Wink If I miss a day, it's ok. I'll own it, and try my best for tomorrow. 

Here's my update:

Saturday is my day off yoga, but this Saturday I went climbing. We went to a new area and got lost. We found our way out ok, but it meant that we were bush bashing, climbing over tree logs, scrambling down rocky and crumbling slopes. It felt pretty wild. This adventure really wore me out. I felt completely knackered after the weekend and come Monday I just needed a day's rest. Yesterday when I started my yoga practice I felt so tired so had to ease off. 

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

@CherryBomb - you said "The trick is to know when my mind is playing tricks on me and to figure out if I am being slack or if my body needs a break. It's hard to know, and I still struggle with figuring what is what. But the promise I make to myself is to have a plan for the week, but take each day as it comes. Gently bently. Smiley Wink If I miss a day, it's ok. I'll own it, and try my best for tomorrow. "

Exactly! I came to the same conclusion myself yesterday. I was down on myself for not doing the Qi Gong part of the set plan - but after walking 25 minutes was too sore to contemplate doing annything extra - so have decided to modify my plan - If I can't walk (because of heat of physical/mental suffering -  do Qi Gong, it was a big ask to do both. One Day At A time...

and just for fun... Smiley Very Happy

Not applicable

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi @MoonGal@CherryBomb@Shaz51@Mazarita, @Former-Member.....

Love that memes @MoonGal - I won the lottery today!! Smiley Tongue

Nah, I just went for a run/walk etc & did it in a quicker time than Monday - even though it was hotter! 5km's again + the slow apx 1km walk to cool down. Really glad I got it done today & plan to go to parkrun (free timed 5km runs all around the world) on Saturday. Tomorrow I have to go to Brisbane for a psychologist appointment & vinyasa yoga is on Fridays. 

Good philosophies re exercise @CherryBomb & I'm glad you have come to similar conclusions @MoonGal! In 2013 & 2014 when I was running a fair bit sometimes there would be breaks of weeks due to worsened depression or a psychotic break. I'm lucky that I don't get serious injuries from exercising. Smiley Happy 

I think one activity a day is plenty to start with @MoonGal. I also want to do some swimming, but I'm waiting till the school kids go back in Feburary! Hope your bathers arrive soon! 

@Shaz51 mowing IS good exercise! Great stuff!! 

@Mazarita I'm glad you went for a walk. Oh, how I love beach walks & the water laping at your feet!! HeartSmiley LOLHeart

I plan to do a strength training workout this afternoon - I really need to build up strength in my arms for those yoga asanas where you have to hold your whole body weight with your arms!! Can you do those yet @CherryBomb??!!

Anyhow, well done everyone & thanks heaps to @MoonGal for starting this helpful thread! 


Anna Heart

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi @Former-Member - fellow yogini Smiley Wink

I do Ashtanga yoga - full primary series, which contains a few arm balancing posture. This type of yoga has bit of different class system called Mysore, where the teacher works one on one with students, giving students one posture at a time. There's a sequence of postures that are always done in the same sequence, and usually the teacher will only give you one, until you're proficient in the one before. Usually, it means that your first class is quite short 20 minutes, but as you get given posturea one by one, your practice gets longer. The idea is that each posture prepares you for the next one. So when it came to arm balances, it wasn't too much of a struggle (I did struggle though!). 



Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

🙂 hey everyone, I am loving reading what people are up to. Inspiration and learning things about Yoga types etc.

I have a sinus infection so feeling pretty crappy today, been threatening for a few days, but full on head and face ache now, so not feeling up to much... But good news my new bathers arrived today, haven;t tried them on yet, but from the look of them they will fit - even if i look like a pudding sausage when I am in them. Smiley Frustrated

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi MoonGal   , hope you feel better soon, and that is great news about your new bathers

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi everyone,

@Former-Member, again I have to say how inspiring it is to read about your dedication with your physical activities!

@MoonGal, not good news about your sinus infection. They can knock you around. Hope it goes away very quickly. Great that the bathers have arrived. Puddings are yummy.

Today I had my first meeting with a new support worker, which was most of the morning. Woke up prematurely at 4.30am and ended up staying awake until she arrived at 10, getting some domestics done beforehand (for me, this counts as exercise).

At the end of our time together, we went across the road to the beach and dipped our feet in the water. Walked about 10 minutes before she had to go to her next client. After that, I walked about 10 minutes to the shop and 10 minutes back. Legs were not good today, swollen around the ankles and feet, stiff and sore. The support worker noticed how puffed up they were when we were talking about going out walking together. So didn't push beyond the 30 minutes total walking. Enough for this day. Cat Happy


Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

I did some cleaning today. It counts! Don't forget to keep cool, everyone!

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

That is very good advice CannonSalt     , and drink lots of water