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Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Very good @Former-Member That's excellent.

I hope you're happy with it.

I just Remembered One thing on my To Do List (Resolution) - Must Buy more Canaries.

Getting low on numbers - Need to Hear that lovely Canary Singing in the mornings....


Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Way to go my @Former-Member :ok_hand:😀❤❤

Not applicable

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Thanks @Zoe7 - give me a nudge around lunchtime occasionally of ya like, see if I've done some. My friend reckons starting with 5min, then 6 then 7... I'm excited but will still have to walk the dog outside more... 🤔''" hmm, wonder if she'd use the treadmill 😲 lol 💕 no, she needs all those new smells.
@Adge - yes! More canaries sounds lovely. Were making headway in the self care department. You & your birds, and hopefully 2do list catch up, Zoe's finished her garage 🏆 and *gonna wear shoes when she mows the lawn :face_with_rolling_eyes: lol, and I'm gonna actually MOVE more 🎉
Great start to the new year 💕

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Oh haha @Former-Member You could put Georgia on the lead on the treadmill and sit beside her with a cuppa - now that I would love to see Smiley Tongue


Okay - you are on - about lunchtime I will give you a shoutout when I am inside - I can set a timer if your like....

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi @Former-Member  did you manage to get your treadmill? 

Not applicable

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi @Lilly6 yes I did, it had a fault but warranty fixed it. Managing apx x10min X2 day, slight elevation. Do you exercise?

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi @Former-Member  I don't really exercise but I want to start walking each day. I'm glad you got your exercise bike going, you are doing well. 

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hi guys, glad to see an exercise thread in here

Exercise for me is central to my baseline functional level.

I find rather than basic cardio ( walking, running, swimming etc) I prefer bootcamps, HIIT and lifting HEAVY.  The lifting especially is extremely cathartic and I find it a great outlet for rage, nervous energy etc.  

I have to be careful though as with my ED I am prone to overtraining and not fuelling my body properly.


Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

Hello @Paperdoll76 

How are you going  today my friend  

@Zoe7 , @Former-Member , @Lilly6 , @MoonGal 

Not applicable

Re: Exercise and Goal Setting

I need I kick-off (in the butt) back into using my treadmill. So disappointed in myself I stopped (this & that happened).