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Debilitating anxiety

Hi all, new to this site? & not sure how it all works…

suffering with dreadful anxiety at

the moment, whilst waiting for meds to hit therapeutic levels.  Any help or advice would be very appreciated♥️


Re: Debilitating anxiety

Hi @Sassy-bear , and welcome to the forums


Good on you for reaching out here, I know doing anything can be difficult when you're experiencing such intense anxiety. 


Have you found that there are any other tools or techniques that help to manage your anxiety along with your medication?

Re: Debilitating anxiety

Hi Ru-Bee, thank you for responding.  I’m seeing a psychologist as well. Trying to mediate, & of course the deep breathing exercises.  I’ve also been doing a little reading in “Binaural Beats”. I listen to the recommended frequency for anxiety. Some days it works, others not so much.  
The biggest trigger I’m finding of late is my 13mth old grandson, who lives with me, my husband & my daughter & husband.  I’m finding the constant activity & crying is driving me absolutely insane, when it never really bothered me before🙈🙉

Re: Debilitating anxiety

Hello @Sassy-bear, welcome to the sane forums!


I really feel for you, anxiety is the worst and you are not alone with what you have said about your young grandsons crying and activity being a trigger. My own young children were triggers for my anxiety when they'd cry, or tantrum, or even just having more energy than I could keep up with. Usually I'd be unphased by it but when struggling or anxious it made things so much harder.


It sounds like you've got some really good tools in your toolbox with practising meditation, breathing exercises and listening to binaural beats. To add to this I would think what is something you can do to distract yourself during moments of heightened anxiety? For some people they like to exercise, read something, write, draw, do puzzle, a craft project etc.. Do you have a hobby or thing like this that you can focus the nervous energy towards?






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