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Re: Daily Achievements!

Yikes!!!! What an 'achievement'! Not relating to leaving the keys in the ignition in the first place, but actually staying calm! 


Perhaps the adrenaline rush kept you at ease until you were finally over the stress of having lost the keys.


Glad they were safe in the ignition... that's what it's like having kids.... @ArraDreaming 


I put my niece in the baby capsule once "or thought I did", then drove off... when I opened the car door and looked in the baby capsule, she wasn't there!!!


I went into a major meltdown and freaked out that I'd left her at the shops and driven home...












I saw her moving from the other side of the car in the OTHER baby capsule... I had put her in the wrong seat.... We had 3 children's seats in the back of the car - the baby ones on either side and the child seat in the middle....



You should've seen me freak out... I think my heart stopped.

Re: Daily Achievements!

I was just thinking “where have the kids put them” just instantly blame them 🤣🤣🤣 @tyme
And part of me was like ok so how are we going to get home and how am I going to explain this, but the other part of me was actually rational and was like well we went to 3 aisles… so they have to be in those aisles unless my kid threw them somewhere else or something.
Your story is terrifying but it does happen!!

that’s like when I thought I lost our kid one night but he had actually gotten out of bed and decided to sleep under the bed… can you imagine my freak out when I could not see him? @tyme

Ahhh still so proud of me

Re: Daily Achievements!

sounds dumb when I say it, but think have seen it.  maybe HD holden locking it manually from outside , push button down, hold button on door handle in and close it would lock it without keys then oh wheres the keys ...  @ArraDreaming  alls well that ends well

think kids prefer calm dad to angry dad. Well Done again.

Re: Daily Achievements!

Old school car @TAB one where you have to have the keys to lock it and put it in ignition to start nothing fancy…
lucky didn’t lock them in

Re: Daily Achievements!

yeah,so ya can lock them it. RAC can get them out it 3 mins anyways, Ive done it a few times, the old coathanger trick lol .. newer cars just need a wedge to push window back to make room @ArraDreaming  mum locked keys in same old 1965 HD Holden, guy from RAA was from holden dealers, he just had a big keyring with every possible key that would fit it lol

Re: Daily Achievements!

Yeah can lock them in it if you press the button, put them down then shut the door behind you, she’s done it once in that car RACV came almost instantly because our kid was in it luckily not a hot day, my car you can’t do that because it doesn’t even have remote central locking @TAB 🤣🤣 it’s that old…

Re: Daily Achievements!

reading online some versions of my car may have remote locking but not mine

Re: Daily Achievements!

so long as it goes @ArraDreaming  guess separate remote  locking was early 80s, dunno

Re: Daily Achievements!

mines a 98 Nissan patrol I’m pretty sure it’s done it’s time though nearly 500,000 km on the clock and several mods.anyway! Enough about my car don’t want to over take this thread! @TAB

Re: Daily Achievements!

okay fair enough @ArraDreaming