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Daily Achievements!

Re: Daily Achievements!

Well done @Appleblossom  did you go overseas?  dont know why I thought that

Re: Daily Achievements!

Thanks @Captain24 

Nah @TAB Regional NSW

Not that bothered to go O/S anymore ... plenty to see here.

Re: Daily Achievements!

Regional NSW @Appleblossom I think I know what festival. I would love to go one year. Just for a day trip. 

Re: Daily Achievements!

Well done @Appleblossom that's a feather in your cap. Happy memories as well as the bass repertoire to look forward to. Hope it defused the anniversary for you.

Re: Daily Achievements!

sorry, my bad, am projecting I think @Appleblossom 

Re: Daily Achievements!

@TAB No wallies mate.


@Dimity I had many weird synchronistic experiences, so I could be the whole of me, not only project the professional teacher mode.  I hate having to deny the parts of me that are deep and true but not very socially palatable, or people assume I am looking for pity which is far from my motivation. It is rare the other person is in synch.  Eg There was one lady who lived near an orphanage I had been in when I was 7, she looked it up and we connected and had other things in common.  Then there was an old guy and his wife in a hotel, who had been to the orphanage my brother had been to which was across the road from where I had been and we knew the street name and could connect, though he had been there the generation before us.


Hey @Captain24 Maybe ... it was near, but NOT the Tamworth one.


It is really nice to come home and have people to share with and notice I was away. last time I went to something simlar 5 years ago I was pretty isolated and really on the edge.  Come a long way ... in social connectedness since then.

Thanks guys ... and gal.


Re: Daily Achievements!

I was thinking more south than Tamworth @Appleblossom. I was thinking ‘The King’

Re: Daily Achievements!

Perhaps not so much synchronicity as shared experience @Appleblossom ... but still validation of self and of the personal embodied lens. In both cases the meaning emerges in the telling. So I'm so glad you have this forum as vehicle and us as sounding board. 

Treasure your festival experience, it sounds as though many things came together for you.

Re: Daily Achievements!

That looks like a really cool festival @Captain24 How are you going?




Thanks. It really helps to have the forum. With the first lady I would never have mentioned it but she kept popping up in "the right real estate" thats what I said to her anyway, and I was not going to deny my time there.  We went to the same primary school.  At the time it was the day after my sister's anniversary and I was a little vulnerable and my sister had lived there in an adjacent orphanage for littlies.  It was right for me to mention her.  Later the woman shared some of her own grief, but we also had a few laughs and she has connected by email.


The fellow was pretty old and I had one of my first extrovert social moments ... with "I went there" and could discuss it without shame.  


I do not have to do the woo side of it, but it is very rare to have those random moments and connect like that. Yes I will remember.


Hope you are all hanging in there.



Not applicable

Re: Daily Achievements!

@Appleblossom @Judi9877 @Dimity @Captain24 @TAB 


Cleared my kitchen today to start the week off.


- Did the dishwashing

- Tossed out garbage, recyclables and compost into their respective bins

- Cleaned out my scaled juicing machine

- Swept the floor

- Planning on having lunch soon.


The rest of the day


- Catch up on internet stuff and go for a walk. Listen to health audios

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