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Re: Art Club



That sounds very diplomatic. Perhaps you could pick out one thing from each drawing to compliment each different child on. Maybe you like the eyes on this one, the smile on another one…that kind of thing? Kids love nice things being said about something they have done. And if you have plenty of fridge magnets make a big deal of carefully displaying their work.

Re: Art Club

@tyme @Jlol @rav3n @PeppyPatti @TAB @Glisten @ENKELI @avant-garde @Shaz51 @MJG017 @Former-Member 


Here is my polar bear fishing, I think she is a bit funny looking.



Not applicable

Re: Art Club

@Oaktree i really can't draw to save my life but here is my picture. 


Re: Art Club

@Former-Member @tyme 


Waiting on photo approval elves!

Re: Art Club

My niece did it and it looks really good. My nephew started but got upset because the 'head was too big'. @Oaktree 


I took a photo of my niece's drawing but I can't yet post it... I'll try and post it now if it works for me.

Re: Art Club



I really love yours, it’s so good. Maybe I should try again? @tyme My head is wrong too but I just kept going. Also I wasn’t happy with how my markers bled so I started the eyes twice.

Not applicable

Re: Art Club

@Oaktree thankyou. My head is too straight at the bottom. I think yours looks cute ❤️

Peer Support Worker

Re: Art Club

These are both so cute @Oaktree @Former-Member I'm going to have to give it a go tomorrow I think! 

Re: Art Club



Looking forward to seeing your efforts. It’s a quick little drawing and it doesn’t take too long. You can pause the video so you don’t miss anything.

Re: Art Club


This one is my 9yo niece's one @Oaktree @Former-Member :



This is the 4yo's who refused to draw a polar bear:
