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Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

The general large-scale kind that supports big companies. Growing more and more dysfunctional with the huge context switching given the share number of ways you can be now contacted Smiley Frustrated

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

hello @MDT Acknoledgement of efforts is important,I myself self reflected on a question today as to one wether its quote attention I seek from those around me or is it more about needing to feel Acknoledgement of things Ive been through/needing affection to be filled in terms of abondonment issues anyway my point is that Im sure many on here Acknoledge and can see your efforts prehaps mabe clearer than those youve worked with and even though it feels like it was a thankless task hopefully theres still some positive outcomes and as you said personal reflection ,maybe some self growth ? maybe or a kind of cross roads from one Job to another place thats more suited and positive enviroment rather than made to feel  as youve felt ,just Observing No Judegement Forum Friend its sounds like you did your best with that situation and went with the flow to get through it

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

I agree with you 100% @LostAngel
Thanks for your support also my friend 🙂

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Thanks @Former-Member
Nice to see you

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Hi @MDT 

I can relate to your post. I think self-reflection is a great way to figure out why you feel a certain way and also ways you can improve on things in the future. I think the most important thing is that you recognise what aspects of your work you felt you did well in and what you can improve upon. What did you do in music? I learnt the piano and a bit of guitar and spent my days in class relearning the same thing - quite boring really. What do you think your next role will be?

I hope you have a great day 🙂

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

I learned brass instruments
I was reasonably good. I think the music teacher had too high expectations of me tbh.

Not sure about next role. Just want space to learn more I think

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Hi @MDT 

Sounds great!
I am the same love to learn 🙂 

Hope you have a great day!


Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

You too @pinklollipop15
Nice to see you