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A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Today we had a session at my job where we spoke about lessons learned and things picked up along the way


As it is a contract-based position, there is a time limit on it and it will come to an end in the next two weeks


Overall I found the process somewhat beneficial as a self reflective exercise. However, the elements about the team were perhaps less so. I have found this role to be a challenge largely because of the nature of the style of management and the fact that it is a buearacracy. 

At the end of the session today we were asked to give honourable mentions to each other. No one gave me one. To be honest I was not expecting it as I could sort of read the tea leaves. But it did feel as if I was underappreciated. Perhaps this brough up memories of my old role - where I did feel that at time - but was definitely appreciated by the staff there - they told me this when I left. 


Rather than get bitter about it, I decided to play it out in style and gave a mention to someone not present there today. Of course, that will stand this person in good stead and it won't reflect on me. I get the impression that no one really appreciated the effort I put in when I wasn't required to. But I honestly think this comes down to environment, work style, the fact plans changed as well due to lockdown. 


Am I hurt by it? No. I am however pushed into a state of reflection that I'd otherwise not like to be in. It's always nice to be acknowledged for effort. But I believe too that there are times where such an effort is not thanked. It's just that I sometimes feel it is a recuring theme with me. 


I mean it did bring up memories of school and not receiving an award when I thought I would for my efforts in music. 


All I can say is that I am really looking forward to getting on with life once this role ends. 


Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

some other thoughts on this experience

- i noticed a sexist attitude towards me at time
- i noticed there were off the hand remarks towards me
- there was somewhat of a culture of a "race to the bottom" where people talk of how busy they are

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Hi @MDT it is hard putting in efforts that should be recognised but are not. I really think we could all benefit from being more aware of others, especially when they really are doing their best and making a valuable contribution. I like that you modelled this when you brought attention to the efforts of a person who was not present. All we can do is strive to do our best and hope that others will do the same. I'm sorry this wasn't a more positive experience for you. Sometimes people are just too busy in their own heads I guess.

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

@AlwaysHappy wrote:

Hi @MDT it is hard putting in efforts that should be recognised but are not. I really think we could all benefit from being more aware of others, especially when they really are doing their best and making a valuable contribution. I like that you modelled this when you brought attention to the efforts of a person who was not present. All we can do is strive to do our best and hope that others will do the same. I'm sorry this wasn't a more positive experience for you. Sometimes people are just too busy in their own heads I guess.

I think you nailed it @AlwaysHappy. I've only been here a short time, but if it helps @MDT , from what I can see you are very much appreciated here!


If you are comfortable sharing (anonymity) do you work in IT perchance?

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Hey @AlwaysHappy
Thanks for the support and also @Maelstrom1
It'll all be over soon - 1 week left more or less

And nah I don't - why do you ask

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Been there, done that, still there. I don't know what we are doing wrong, @MDT. To be honest, we aren't doing anything wrong. They are. It's the theme of my life too. When I read you didn't receive an 'honourable mention', I gasped out loud.


That was deliberate, my friend. What a horrible lot of people they must be. How can you stand them? Sorry that you were subjected to such rudeness. More recently I was brought to tears by a similar act. A woman there suggested I was an'emotional' person. Nothing could be further from the truth. It's just that we open ourselves up to people and treat them with respect. Is it so difficult for others to do to us similarly? Just a basic courtesy, I would have thought.


Well played, my friend. I hope you are able to find a more amenable environment to work in soon. Take care.

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Good going @MDT 👍👍👍

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless



Just seen a lot of this type of behaviour before in that industry is all.



Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Only got a week and a bit left aye @Historylover
Its a quirk of the workplace maybe.
Being in such an environment teaches me things about humans. Thinly veiled comments. Underhand remarks etc.

Onwards we go my friend

Re: A thankless task but a task nonetheless

Interesting @Maelstrom1
What form of IT?