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10 minutes of ease

Sharing a beautiful 10 minute free guided meditation, voice so relaxing.


On first listen just now with my mobile earplugs, it was 10 minutes of much easier feelings. Feeling better afterwards for now as well.







Re: 10 minutes of ease


Hi Mazarita,

The iRest site has material that compliments a number of "modalities" of meditational activities that I use and in which I am interested. I have noticed in my search for useful resources that there appear to me to be interfaces and overlaps between the areas of meditation, relaxation, hypnosis, self-hypnosis, "grounding", neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and some other practices. Like everything, there are "good" and "bad" applications of each of the modalities. But I have found it interesting to consider, what I believe are, the good aspects of each. I will look more at what the iRest site offers.

Thank you



Re: 10 minutes of ease

Hi @Mazarita 

I am glad you have found it useful for yourself and that you feel better afterwards.


I use Drop Anchor recordings that my psych sent to me. Find that they are useful.


I hope you are keeping well hon 💜

Re: 10 minutes of ease

@Snowie @Mazarita 

Hi Snowie & Mazarita,

Just checked out the Drop Anchor recordings on Russ Harris' website. They also seem like a very good resource. I've downloaded the recordings and audio of some podcasts to my computer "Meditation" file. They sound good. Slightly different accent and intonation. Different options for different moods and moments.



Re: 10 minutes of ease

@HenryX I really appreciate your comprehensive response about meditation and grounding.  I have been interested in all these things for a very long time.  For my mental health it seems to be better if I do not attach to a device or app, but am in my own mental space in a prayerlike or contemplative manner.


Hey @Snowie @Mazarita Glad it is making a difference to you. 


The main benefit of the forums for me are the human connections behind the computing power.

Blessed Be


Not applicable

Re: 10 minutes of ease

Hey @Mazarita I will definetely be checking this out later - thank you!

Re: 10 minutes of ease


Hello Apple and Friends,

More recently I have been using a guided relaxation which I believe can extend into self-directed suggestions which are useful to lead into activity or mental approaches after the period of meditation.

This is where the interface with hypnosis occurs. The idea is that in a relaxed and responsive state we can give ourselves the guidance that will help us move forward more efficiently, effectively and purposefully in our normal everyday activities.

Needless to say, I only quietly give myself one or possibly two related and mutually reinforcing suggestions in each period of meditation. I then endeavour to reinforce that suggestion at two or three following periods of relaxation.

Neither do I want to get bored with too many repetitions of a suggestion, nor overload, and thus squash the effectiveness of suggestions.




Re: 10 minutes of ease

Hi @HenryX,


I appreciate the depth of your thought and interest. I agree with your grouping of those different means of approaching healing. 


I have been intermittently helping myself with solo and group meditations in real life. In an informal way I am engaged with these every day, especially with the breath.


The i-rest meditations were suggested by the support worker who will be helping me soon, including individual yoga sessions. So looking forward to it.

Re: 10 minutes of ease

Hi @Snowie thanks for your kindness. Your psych's recommendation has got me starting a list of recommended recordings. I like what @HenryX said about variety as well. Smiley Happy


Hi @Former-Member hope you find ease when you hear the recording. Smiley Happy


Hi @Appleblossom I have some innate resistance to listening to digital recordings in bed. I rarely take my phone into the bedroom. My armchair is where I will put in my earbuds and listen to these recordings on my mobile. So far it has been a rarity for me to listen to them but lately I have been finding them worthwhile. Prayer like states - beautiful. Heart

Re: 10 minutes of ease


Keeping the space between day time and bedroom has been key for me after my year up at night.  In that year I did have computer in my bed, but I was also trying to understand and indirectly reach my son, so I just let things slip, and yes it all can be quite addictive. 


Both, he and I are managing sleep and time better this year.  He asked for his job today. I said it was a public holiday, and he said are you giving me the day off?  lol  No.  Every day a job.(mind you I had not thought that through, but came to it spontaneously.) I asked him to fill the pepper grinders.  Hard task master here   He liked that it was getting difficult for me to come up with new things every day.  Lucky for him I am not a domestic goddess/housewife

Gentle hugs