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Re: sexual assault

Hoping todays been ok for you ❤ @gymgirl240

Re: sexual assault

@Former-Member ❤

Re: sexual assault

@outlandertoday was a bad day for me. had a mental breakdown and had panic attacks 


Re: sexual assault

oh dear so sorry to hear that 😞 @gymgirl240  were you able to contact a friend, family member or a helpline to ask for abit of help and support?

how are you doing tonight?

Re: sexual assault

@outlandergot ahold of my parents and spoke to them and then talked to my trainer about it as im doing my cert 3 in hospitality and feeling a bit better tonight but just emotionally drained 

Re: sexual assault

i am so proud of you that you reached out for help @gymgirl240 that isnt easy to do so very well done!  

practice lots of self care tonight ok. have a nice hot shower or bath and put on your favourite movie, or listen to music or read your favourite book... take things nice and easy

well done on doing your Cert3, how many yrs does that course run for? and how far along are you in that?

Re: sexual assault

@outlanderi can take it for how ever long i need to take it for 


Re: sexual assault

hi @gymgirl240 thats good 🙂

how are you going today?


we are having a virutal party on the forums to celebrate the lunar eclipses tonight, your most welcome to join us 🙂 if you have troubles finding it im more than happy to tag you 

Re: sexual assault

@outlanderi am abit better today and yea im going fishing tonight while then moon is doing what its doing tonight 

Re: sexual assault

glad your abit better today @gymgirl240 fishing in the moonlight sounds really good 🙂