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Re: not feeling good

@BlueBay wrote:


To top of my emotional rollercoaster I woke up this mornign with my period !!!  Great, i think there is also a pattern there where I am out of control, in my mind and body at this particular time of the month.  I know I am per-menopausal.  Must mention this to my psych.


Hi @BlueBay,

I woke up this morning with my period too. Smiley Happy I agree that this is an important issue to mention to your psych. I figured out a few years ago that my big feelings tend to be bigger in the few days before my period is due. Consequently, I now mark the due date on the calender so that it reminds me that this might be the issue sometimes when I am super struggling. Sometimes when I am super struggling with suicidal ideation around this time of the month I tell myself that I have survived so much, I absolutely refuse to suicide simply because of some hormonal issues that will settle within a few days. Smiley Happy

I am so glad your hospital admission day has arrived. I trust you will get what you need from your hospital stay.

Re: not feeling good

Thank you @Former-Member

Hug to you too xxooo

Re: not feeling good

Thank you so much @Phoenix_Rising

Yeah that time of the month sucks.  Just wish it would all stop now, had it for long enough!!! LOL

I am feeling okay, nervous but okay.  I know once I am there, settled into my bed and just ease myself into the daily stuff I will be okay.  Friday's is pretty easy day at the hospital.  The program today is they walk in the morning (which i will miss), therapy session at about 11am (which is when i arrive) then all afternoon is art therapy, or do whatever you want.  I will probably either knit or colour in my book.  I've brought my knitting with me so i can continue knitting the baby booties and beanie.

Take care and i will tag you when i want to let you all know how i am. xxxooo

Re: not feeling good

@BlueBay I am still struggling to wrap my head around how incredibly different the private system is to the public system, but I am super pleased for you that you are able to get the support you need. Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Re: not feeling good

hello @Phoenix_Rising @BlueBay

hormones have a lot to answer for

i used to have dreadful issues, i suffered from endometriosis

hormones can also bring on a period when a person is stressed

so yes keeping a record will help you understand what is happening to body/mind connection

Bluebay am so pleased to hear that you are looking after you and taking the offer of a hospital stay

take care xx


Re: not feeling good

Thankyou @Former-Member. Xxx

Re: not feeling good


I totally agree that hormones have a lot to answer for. About two years ago, my periods started going haywire even though I've always been pretty regular. That made it much harder to match my extra big emotions to my cycle. It turned out that my irregular periods were due to hypothyroidism. Since I've been on medication for that, I've got back into a regular cycle. I can definitely see that I'm going to struggle when I start moving into menopause - though I'm only 39 so I anticipate that is still a little way away yet. Smiley Happy I did briefly attempt to go on the pill to stop my periods but that sent my emotions totally out of control so that idea was abandoned very quickly. I think it is really important that mental health professionals look at all these sorts of issues. I think the distinction between "mental" health and "physical" health is pretty illusionary when it comes down to it.

Not applicable

Re: not feeling good

Hello @Phoenix_Rising @BlueBay

I strongly believe that mind body connection exists and is paramount that all physical symptoms are acknowledged and discussed with our specialists.

The Brain sends a message of pain when we physically hurt ourselves. Therefore when suffering extreme symptoms we will feel a reaction physically. When feeling dissociated this was not always the case.

I tried a couple of different pills and was unable to take it as experienced just about every side effect on the list. I find the same with certain families of medications that I am super sensitive.

The pill also interferes with normal cycles of our body so I am anti - pill anyway. The same with HRT I do not believe in that either.

I know of many people who take it, including my sister when younger. I do not judge others.

Bluebay, heatpacks are good for holding against your stomach if in extreme pain, cramping. Just being in the hospital cocoon itself will be helpful.


Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay


Getting your period TODAY - wow - that does explain why you have been feeling so terrible over the last few days - and it is not easy being peri-menopausal


Aw - we women get all the tough stuff - how can a man really know what it's like to have such a visible sign of our feminity every month - with all the inconvenience? Really - I had a hysterectomy years before I started menopause - but I still had one ovary and I had the symptoms - but I went onto HRT and that helped a lot - you could talk to your doctor about that


You don't have to worry about other people - when it comes to the patients they are busy worrying about themselves - believe me - and as for your previous psyche - I think a lot of us here can remind you that your previous psyche has more reason to worry about your seeing him - he did not really help and it seems that these new doctors are in the frame of mind to help you - to give you different medication and to treat your menopausal symptoms


You are much loved here - it is obvious - and no one wants you to leave. This forum is for people just like yourself - why would you not be suitable?


It strikes me that in all the world one person has hated you and some young men abused you and this is far in the past - but in the present there are many people who love you. This strikes me in the way that you are still deeply injured inside by your mother's betrayal of you - and this is not at all fair for you


So that little diagram of your self getting to expectations easily and the reality being so much more of a tangle - I get it - you are in that tangle right now - and you need to be cared for while you work your way through - from the outside it seems as if it should be straight forward - but the reality is that it is not - for you have had so many changes in your life over the year+ I have known you


I understand - I have been through so much of the same stuff and I know what a mess it is - how it can be - but I am here to tell you that it will not always be like this - you will get better - and of course you are sick of it all right now - so was I at the time - but it is so far in the past now it doesn't often touch me - but I do remember it without it hurting me


 But it was terrible at the time


Lots of hugs and let's see if I can do a few coloured hearts for you




💕 💜 💗 💖

Re: not feeling good

@BlueBay - hormones, periods, peri menopausal - yuk yuk and yuk.
Very hard to keep a calendar when in peri menopause - 2 periods in 2 weeks - then nonefor months.
Definitely agree our hormones can play havoc with our moods.
I'll write properly tomorrow when I'm feeling better.
Just wanted you to know I'm thinking of you. @Zoe7 said it the best.