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Re: not feeling good

@BlueBay, I'm sorry to hear that you are still super struggling. I understand that you are going into hospital tomorrow, is that right? And you have found the hospital to be a supportive and safe place in the past? That would suggest to me that it will most likely be a supportive and safe place again. So...even though things won't be magically fixed tomorrow, it seems to me that things will at least be different to how they are right now. And tomorrow is just a tiny way away. You can hang in there until tomorrow. You currently have a 100% success rate of surviving every day living with BPD. I am confident that you can keep on keeping on until you are in the hospital where you feel safe and supported tomorrow.

Re: not feeling good

I'm really glad that you're getting what you need at the moment.
While it must be really overwhelming having those urges, it's great that you've recognised they are urges that you don't have to act on.
I hope you sleep well tonight and your admission is smooth sailing tomorrow.

Take care

Re: not feeling good


I will let you know @NikNik and everyone else how i go tomorrow.  I am nervous and not thinking properly, very negative tonight.  Sorry to worry you all.  i think i will hit the sack and try to sleep.

chat tomorrow

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Re: not feeling good

Goodnight @BlueBay ❤ ❤ ❤

Re: not feeling good


@BlueBay It is good to hear you are doing what you need to do tonight and that is to go to bed and to try to sleep . I am hoping your hospital admission helps you and gives you peace of mind. Heart

Re: not feeling good

Sweet dreams @BlueBay.
I'll talk to you tomorrow or Saturday - when you are settled in. Sending a big hug. ♥

Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay Heart

Wanted to let you know that I am so proud of you for reaching out as you have done this week - both on the forum and with the new GP and psych.

I am so pleased for you that you have been listened to and action has been taken to get you some help. You are finally going into hospital to get some respite from the torment of each day - this can be both a time of retreat and release for you. Allow yourself the space to rest and to also let others look after you. You so deserve all the support, caring and love that this world can give you.

I will be sitting on your shoulder the whole time so you will never be alone and you will always know that someone is with you. All your friends here wish you only the very best - we are all on this journey alongside you - no matter what it brings. You are loved, adored and very much part of this amazing forum family - the strength of any community is how it holds all the individual parts together - and the strength of this community is that we all rally around those in need and hold them in the light when they can't see it for themselves. So this is the time for you to be held in the light until you can see and feel it for yourself my friend.

...always sitting on your shoulder...

...and sending you all the love and support I have at this time...

Heart Zoe xxx

Re: not feeling good

Dear @Zoe7 my beautiful butterfly friend

you have been by my side since I have struggled so much and even though I know you are also struggling, you still have time for me.  That means so much to me to have you along side HeartHeartHeart

I can't express how much thanks and love I have for you and everyone else on here.  It's too hard to write how much you all mean to me because right now i am crying.  i don't know why i get so emotional when i want to write something special.

After seeing my new GP last week I realised that i do need help again, i do need to 'break the circuit' spinning out of control.  And i know that once i come out i will be okay, i just hope that the new meds will work. having a new psych while in hospiotal will be good but i am also scared of bumping into my regular psych as he visits the same hosptial. and what he will think.

To top of my emotional rollercoaster I woke up this mornign with my period !!!  Great, i think there is also a pattern there where I am out of control, in my mind and body at this particular time of the month.  I know I am per-menopausal.  Must mention this to my psych.

I know all the staff at this hospital, the ward is lovely and cosy.  Small but everyone knows all the staff and the staff spend time with the patients.  Because i have been a few times now i don't feel scared of the staf; it's just i feel anxious about the people there.  i will be in a shared room to start off with but as soon as private rooms are available i will get moved.  All rooms are private bar this one which has 4 beds in it; a private shower and bathroom. So that's okay, i don't mind, i usually draw the curtain right around and hibernate in my room the first day.

@utopia looking forward to chatting to you soon.  @oceangirl @Former-Member @Owlunar  @Faith-and-Hope (and anyone else I have forgotten) thank you guys for your love and support. 

@NikNik when are you back on next? I would like to let you know how I am going.

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Re: not feeling good

Good luck @BlueBay
Proud of you for getting the help you need 💖💖💖
Ita good your able to get a private room and while its shared you still get a private shower as well.
Sending you lots of hugs 🤗🤗🤗

Re: not feeling good

Hi @BlueBay
I'm around next week. @mention me and I will see it 🙂
Best wishes for today.
Take care