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Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?

@Appleblossom @fluffylight 


Please talk to me anytime you want. I'm quite isolated sitting here all day.


I'm just not good at initiating conversation at the moment.

Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?

Hi @down_not_out 

I am a little like that, I tend to shut the world down and disengage with everyone. I wonder if that resonates with you? 


I'm hearing so much is on your mind and you are trying to navigate these feelings and thoughts 💛


A GP appointment with someone you trust sounds good.


How was brekkie? 


Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?

Vegemite on toast.

Safe and reliable.

Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?



I forgot to tag you. I'm no I.T expert.

Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?

I still forget to tag and have to edit posts hehe @down_not_out

How is your day going?

I'm here till 2pm 🙂 But we have other Peer Workers on if you feel like company :))

Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?



That is fine thanks. My wife is coming home early today 


Are you with Sane? Sorry, it might be a stupid question.


 I made a report to their stigma watch many years ago for a newspaper using MH terms loosely.


You will here me apologise a lot btw.



Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?

Yes I work for SANE as a Peer Support worker @down_not_out

I'm an apologiser too, can relate with that one..

I had to look up at what stigma watch is - sounds really cool and useful! 

Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?



It is 2pm


I'll let you knock off now.


Thanks for asking me how I was today. 


Talk to me anytime you want to.

Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?

Will be thinking of you @down_not_out

Lovely chatting even if it was for a short time 🙂

take care x

Re: Who to contact in Victoria for non-emergency help?

Stigma Watch is great isn't it @down_not_out . Years ago I worked as a freelance journalist and used to read it to make sure I was reporting on mental illness in the right way. 

Warmest wishes
