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Valuing Yourself

I have had bi-polar disorder since I was 15 (I am 63 now) and I have done it all - medications, ECT, hospitalizations, psychotherapy. Recently I started seeing a psychoanalyst. It is early days yet, but he is helping me to come to terms with my past and sort out my thoughts and feelings as a person, not a victim. I found this really useful, and you might like to do it too.

Sit down with a piece of paper and pencil (or computer) and write down a list of all the good things about yourself. If you are depressed you might think there aren't any, but think carefully. Are you honest? Loyal to friends? Loving with your family? Good at art or writing? What are some of the nice things people have said about you in the past? We all know our weaknesses, we experience those when we are ill, but what about our strengths? Try to build up a picture of the real you - the worthwhile, valuable member of society you are. Whatever you might be going through right now in terms of illness there is a You in there  who deserves respect and love. Even if you don't feel up to sharing your thoughts, do this for yourself. Leave the piece of paper somewhere safe to pull out when you are feeling down. We are more than our illnesses. They are only part of who we are. We are all valued and worthwhile members of society so let's acknowledge each other and support each other.







Re: Valuing Yourself

Well daid @Ellu! 🎶💕

Re: Valuing Yourself

I'll try again.
Well said @Ellu. Sorry about the typo.
Hugzzz 💕

Re: Valuing Yourself


thankyou for sharing with us.......

Re: Valuing Yourself

That was great @Ellu xx

Re: Valuing Yourself

Thanks xx

Re: Valuing Yourself

Hello @esprit, how are you today

Hello @Ellu,@Arjay, @Kurra

Re: Valuing Yourself

So well written @Ellu. My counsellor suggested much the same thing to me. He kick started my journey of discovering who I am in my own right. Indeed to start of with I had no idea what positives I could write about; I needed a lot of help. Having been abused all my life, I still have difficulties seeing positive traits in myself. The list helps.

Thank you for this thread.

Re: Valuing Yourself

..I put 'post it notes' all over my unit in places I saw them often re positive reinforcement etc well was in a good space then, bad space before, this was years ago, I sought and got good help, was lucky ..just need to work on warning signs that things are going upside down ..ruts can appear unseen and old efforts, lessons forgotten .. yeh look at me lol ..right .. well, had a good -ish few weeks, blew off appointment to see rental house(bumming it in cpark atm) .. but then got to chatting with prospective new landlady, so may be a social opp there lol ..and more work fell in my lap .. weird how things happen .. @Shaz51 @Ffm48

Re: Valuing Yourself

Hi. Just keeping busy. How are you?