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Re: The great yoga adventure

I'm sending you this bed @utopia

images (3).jpg

Re: The great yoga adventure

Can I have a bed like that too ..... pleeeeeaaaasssseee ??

🤗💜 @utopia @soul

Re: The great yoga adventure

You could really be one with a tree laying on that bed. Have decided to do Yin yoga this afternoon. Will report back afterwards. 

Re: The great yoga adventure

Hi @soul I love yin very relaxing. I am going to a 2 hour yin emesion on Saturday 😊

Re: The great yoga adventure

Good to know @Ant7 - i could do with some relaxing.

Re: The great yoga adventure

I hope you love it @soul 😊

Re: The great yoga adventure

Re: The great yoga adventure

@Phoenix_Rising I can see you all from my flying nutella jar.. I even took this picture of you doing tree pose today


Re: The great yoga adventure

I totally LOVEEEEEE  the picture @NikNik Smiley Very Happy xoxo

Re: The great yoga adventure

My third session of yoga was wonderful @Ant7@Phoenix_Rising@Shaz51@NikNik@Faith-and-Hope@CheerBear and all those following the great yoga adventure. This class was called Yin Yoga and focuses on the five areas of the body - earth, fire, water, air and atmosphere. After the last two sessions where my body was given quite a workout (I can feel those abs being sculpted) this one was very relaxing. We held a series of poses for extended lengths of time and the session had a beautiful calming effect.

To complement this yoga program I have also booked a massage and a salt water session (not at the same place) Taking self care to a whole new level and it's really nice. You should all try it. 

Special thanks to @Phoenix_Rising and @CheerBear for their encouragement.