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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

I hear you missed your plane @Former-Member


Missing my plane is something I dread will happen - I give myself a lot of time but still get flustered - but 


I have to get to the airport today and I have that knot in my stomach - I find it hard to get organised to travel - even when I am going home


At Melbourne Airport - Tullamarine - on Tuesday - I went through security and then to the gate designated - but they had changed the terminal and I had to go through security again but luckily the person I spoke to rang the gate where  I was supposed to be and they held the gate open for me - I could not run with my back pack and laptop - shaking and sweating - going through security again - then rushing to the right gate where they were waiting for me - last person on with the door shut behind me




I can't imagine how it felt to actually miss your plane - it must have been horrible - I really feel for you


I think I had better finish up here and leave with plenty of time - there are lots of shops at the airport here - and it is a huge sprawling place - I would rather be early than late - 


I think I am obsessive about being early - so much easier




Sending more hugs - lots more hugs

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help






Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member. I read your post before. Was trying to find something meaningful and helpful but didn’t find anything that would be new. I wanted to acknowledge how hard the jobs you’ve got to do are on your own. You are doing such a remarkable job under HUGE stresses. I honestly don’t know how you are doing it. I’m in awe of your perseverance through some really tough stuff on your own. 


Im not sure if this would help but I found that I did a 15 min thing the other day that worked. I set my alarm for 15 min. I would do jobs for 15 mins then stop and do something that took my mind off thinking about anything for 15 min. For me that was doing a puzzle. Then I’d continue again for 15 min, then stop for 15min.  Actually achieved heaps more and didn’t get so overwhelmed. In the 15 mins of work I was much more focused and tried to do as much as I could. I’m not sure if this would help you or not but wanted to offer it in case it would be helpful. 


Thinking of you and and love the new avatar 💜🤗



Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

I agree ❣️

@Former-Member @Teej

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thank you @Teej, it helps, my energy and pain seem to force me to default to that, but getting started is very hard. Just lay in bed crying all morning this week. I think I am broken. But thank you. Nearly closed my account last night because nobody comments much (and that Hurst) but couldn't find how to so glad cause you came and I know you understand pain and distress more than most here. Glad we survived the other night just for this moment. Its true feeling alone is the most painful existence, God kniws i want out. But ive seenbwhat that legacy does to our kidults. Just 20min at a time. You 'hang in there' too precious lady. Hugzz xox

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

You too F&H xox

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

my beautifulmy beautiful






Sad seeing it go. Feels like death all this throwing away stuff. 

Packed another x6 boxes last night - x4 > charity. 

Starting to look thinner.

Booked removalist for Friday, and Vinnies van for Thursday. Hope yo get down yo what's going in the car with me soon. SHEESH!

Dreading visitors, drains me & I end up giving the 'good' stuff 😕 One wants my $2,000 embroidery sewing machine, even though I said no 😕  Funny as I hardly ever saw her last year 😕 

Only cleaning & self care so far today. Cleaning tinns - so much dust. I have a Darcy Doyle Tin collection. Love his Aust images. Visiting critic thinks I should toss them but they sit on the top of China cabinate dad mademade, gotta keep a couple nice things.


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hello @Owlunar, @Former-Member, @Faith-and-Hope, @Teej, @Former-Member

have thrown out unused vitamins bottles , old clothes and magazines today

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

You do need to keep some nice things @Former-Member. There are things that may or may not have $ value but have memories in them that make them precious to us. 


Did you end up buying the unit?


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

'Onya @Shaz51

Got rid of old work uniforms and shoes today.