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Pets as therapy

I have been reading a lot about dogs trained to work with those living with PTSD, and it got me thinking about pets in general. I have a cat, now 11 years old, that I got as a kitten when I had my last big depressive episode. We jokingly call Cleo my "therapy cat". In truth, while Cleo has never been trained, that's exactly what he is! I can always count on Cleo to cuddle with when I am feeling miserable, or do something ridiculous to make me smile. He never asks how I am feeling or tells me to cheer up. He is just there. A very vocal old man with a girly name and the loudest purr in the world.

Do you have an amateur therapy pet in your life?

Re: Pets as therapy

Hi @Used2Be


There have been many members who have talked about the benefits of having their pets around. This discussion is quite old, but goes for 5 pages!

I think @Neb even shared pics of her cats 🙂

@surviventhrive briefly spoke about their pets too.

Cleo sounds like an amazing animal!  How did you come across him? An animal shelter or privately?
