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New Age Endeavours

Re: New Age Endeavours

Yes thankyou @Oaktree  I just edited the post for the correct date as I was typing rapidly.  I will do the fire ceremony tomorrow. I am looking forward to it!

Re: New Age Endeavours

There are Three types of Gunas or states of being in the world which is supported by diet in ayurveda


1. Sattva (the quality of goodness): Sattva is Calm, Saintly. Its brings up quality that allows spiritual holiness, forgiveness and submission to God. Foods dear to those in the mode of goodness increase the duration of life, purify one’s existence and give strength, health, happiness and satisfaction. Such foods are juicy, fatty, wholesome, and pleasing to the heart. 

2. Raja (the quality of passion): Foods that are too bitter, too sour, salty, hot, pungent, dry and burning are dear to those in the mode of passion. Such foods cause distress, misery and disease. Onions and garlic fall into this category.

3. Tamas (the quality of ignorance): Food prepared more than three hours before being eaten, food that is tasteless, decomposed and putrid, and food consisting of remnants and untouchable things is dear to those in the mode of darkness.

Go here to learn about the different types of food and how they can either support or detract from your spiritual life:


When you see the whole picture in Gunas perspective it will start making sense why we shouldn't eat certain types of foods

Re: New Age Endeavours

@Oaktree @Glisten @Hopefulsoul @Appleblossom @Historylover @Dimity @Shaz51 


It’s time for your autumn ‘hair cutting dates’ courtesy of Karen Moregold, astrologer.

Trimming your hair, once a month, on one of these dates will encourage hair growth, as well as strengthen your hair and improve its condition; they are based on the fertile Moon cycles.

(All growing things on our planet respond to the energies of the Sun and Moon, and believe it not, so does your hair!)

Just try them a few times, and you’ll see for yourself how well they work!

Here are the best hair cutting dates for autumn:

March: 14, 18, 19
April: 10, 11, 14, 15
May: 12, 13, 21, 22, 23

Re: New Age Endeavours

@Oaktree @Glisten @Hopefulsoul @Dimity @saturnzoon 




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I learned this abundance ceremony from an ascension conference in Phoenix Arizona this year. The transcript was available for free. Here are the steps to invoke Saint Germaine as your own avatar for creating wealth abundance. I have seen testimony that this works. It can transform $500 to $5000 according to someone who left their own personal account of using this visualisation.  


Its a simple process


Saint Germaine was an ascended master and renaissance man. An adept. He was successful in just about every sphere and facet of life.


He also gifted something called the violet flame to humanity to remove karma and accelerate spiritual growth. I invoke the violet flame a lot to clear my aura and can attest it has powerful purification properties on the psyche, soul and spirit and can remove those energy blemishes and obscurations 


I'm new to this wealth invocation but its not too different from what is known as The Raicov Effect. The Raivov effect was created so people could enjoy their own infinite mastery in any area of creative endeavour.


You just select someone you admire who has an incredible talent and you merge your being with that person via visualisation to subsume their abilities. 


The Raicov Effect experiment has produced concert violinists and a whole slew of creator beings who once had no innate or trained ability before. They are known to play, write or paint like a seasoned musician, writer or artist.


Its all been documented you can read more about The Raicov Effect online.


Some people have also been known to hold a picture of someone whom they would like to be like in manifestation and it causes a change in that persons nature, talents and temperament so it is also known to work using that method.


Saint Germaine prosperity meditation is no different for wealth generation


Here is the excerpt from the ascension conference on how to do it. In this instance they used group participation and a "abundance table" which was possibly filled with tachyonised gold or silver coins but you can easily adapt it for an individual I would think. You could buy a gold or silver ingot from Auspost or from a gold/silver coin supplier


Ceremony for Abundance.


We will call upon ascended being St. Germain. 


Close your eyes and watch your breath coming in and out. 


Now we are invoking the presence of St. Germain. Repeat after me:


“I am invoking the presence of St. Germain to bring abundance to me, my loved ones, and all humanity. So be it and so it is. So be it and so it is. So be it and so it is.” (repeated 3 times)


Now, visualize the presence of St. Germain standing above your crown chakra. 


Visualize his presence in light body descending from crown chakra into your physical body until you feel you embody St. Germain.


His light radiates from your energy body. You are becoming St. Germain.


You are St. Germain. 


I am St. Germain. {repeated 3 times}


Place your item on the table here one by one and go back to your position.


Silence. Remember you are embodying St. Germain. 


Repeat after me:


“I am invoking the presence of St. Germain to multiply the abundance on the abundance table thousands of thousands of times for the benefit of ourselves, our loved ones, and all humanity. So be it and so it is. So be it and so it is. So be it and so it is.” (repeated 3 times)


We are stay in silence and align with the energy of St. Germain and the abundance. 


Open your eyes and take your object.


No talking, and stay in silence. Let the energy flow. 


Visualize again this abundance is flowing to whole planet. 


We now thank St. Germain for the ceremony. 


***Note: I recorded the meditation ceremony in my own voice and saved it as a mp3 and downloaded it onto my ipod. Easy enough to do.


I have committed to do this meditation every morning. I noticed there were Saint Germaine wealth abundance mp3's you could buy for a small nominal cost if you prefer to do it that way and have that as an alternate option.

Re: New Age Endeavours

@Oaktree - Thanks for that. I’ve saved it and will start listening to it when I go to sleep

Re: New Age Endeavours



You are welcome. That soundtrack is very relaxing 

Re: New Age Endeavours

@Oaktree @Josie72 @Glisten @Hopefulsoul @Appleblossom 


Hello everyone, we have a new moon in Pisces this Sunday at 8:00pm AEDT precisely. Thought folks make be all revved up for their next round of new moon manifestations! 


Letting you know I have been able to manifest things that I would not have normally dreamed of over the past few lunations. Its a powerful technique to harness the essence of the moon and the sign it falls under.


Its made even more targeted by the sign it is in. So if you wish for things ruled by that sign you will definitely manifest on a more potent level compared to just traditional manifestation methods.


I can say without a doubt that using the new moon to manifest goes way beyond anything I have seen with the law of attraction.


Anyway here we go. Another new moon. Like I have said in previous posts you can follow the guidelines on offer on how to do it correctly otherwise it won't be effective.


Its best to cast your wishes 8 hours after the new moon. 


To see when the new moon falls in your locality in the world you can go to 


You will get a page that looks like this:


Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 2.25.10 pm.png


Click where in the pull down menu where it says "Full Moon & New Moons for 2024" and you will get a page looking like this:


Screenshot 2024-03-04 at 2.25.27 pm.png


Under the Blue bar with the writing "Full Moons and New Moons in 2024" you will see in grey writing (UT/GMT) which means Universal Time or Greenwich Meantime. These are the lunations for UT/GMT. You have to change it to your timezone where you live.


Click on where it says to "Change to your local timezone" and it will produce a list of Full Moons and New Moons


You will be able to see on the table the latest New Moon in your timezone.


Now fyi the new moon is in the sign of Pisces this lunation. I would only start seeding these new moon wishes after the new moon and keep them somewhere handy on your desk and read them twice a day, morning and night


Another thing you may wish to do is incubate them under a pyramid. I saw this method in The New Idea Magazine and it was written by a psychic who uses this method to manifest his wishes. 


Before you go and launch out buying expensive copper giza pyramids you may wish to look into constructing them out of cardboard. Just letting you know even though copper pyramids proliferate the market you can actually make pyramids out of cardboard, plastic or even wood.  They are all effective! You wouldn't think so but its true.


You may wish to create your own cardboard pyramid out of cardboard from your local newsagents from these easy to do wiki instructions:


Once you have made your pyramid you place your wishes inside and place your hand over the top of the pyramid to focus your intent on manifesting your wishes. I sometimes use a single terminated crystal over my written wishes to amplify the wishes even more.


I read my list in the mornings and evenings and leave it under the pyramid


Ok now that you know how to construct your pyramid here are some screenshots for the New Moon wishes for Pisces. Its extracted from the book: New Moon Astrology by Jan Spiller


At the end of the week. Go through the lists and carefully consider what you wish to attract into your life.  There are extensive things you can wish for under a Pisces moon.  I am certainly looking forward to this lunation and the fortunes it brings. 

Let everyone know how you are going with your New Moon wishes and what you have manifested. It will give purpose and direction in your life and you will be living in harmony with the cycles of nature.


For everything there is a season under the sun, or should I say the moon!


Good luck and wishing you all the best with your manifestations x


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Re: New Age Endeavours

@Oaktree @Josie72 @Glisten @Hopefulsoul @Kyle1 


Today is a new moon in Pisces, the new moon is exact after 8:00pm tonight AEDT (Melbourne) Don't forget to put in your new moon wishes 8+ hours after the new moon! I may do it on Monday as its late in the evening!

Re: New Age Endeavours

@SmilingGecko @Josie72 @Glisten @Hopefulsoul @TAB 


So yesterday afternoon I put my crystals out in the garden because the full moon was starting at 3pm. Well by this morning I had completely forgotten about them. I was out watering and came across them, so I picked them up and brought them back inside. They are now deposited back with my tarot cards. Lucky I was watering this morning. Can’t believe I actually forgot about them.

Re: New Age Endeavours

@Oaktree my daughter did the same thing but she forgot about the crystals for months 🤣

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