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Re: Life can be a Pain

I will be going to bed soon  too my darling sister  @greenpea  โคโคโค

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar It is good to take time out of things - whether that be the forum or other aspects of your life. It is unfortunate with current times that you cannot take that break away just yet for a holiday but hopefully soon you will be able to.


Some anniversaries are harder than others but I also feel if we focus too much on them and make a big deal of them in our heads then that makes them so much harder to get through - if we make things in the past ever present then it is so much harder to live the life we are in in the here and now. We can never forget things that have happened (and nor should we) but focussing so much on them, marking that day each year and focussing on the 'bad' does not allow us to lead a more fulfilling and happier life right now. It really is a midset change though that we need to constantly work on - remember those we have lost, what we have been through and how that has all affected us but also find ways to acknowledge the pain, celebrate the time we have had with others lost and live for now with all the good we have around us.


I do hope you find some releif from the pain that is long lasting. You have been through so much with this shoulder (and other pain) and it would be very freeing for you to live with less pain. It is very admirable that you research alternative treatments - if it helps then that can only be a good thing.


Luckily we are in a unique position down on our little island - at the first sign of any outbreak on the mainland we can close our borders and thus stop any transmition here. We have also not had the same level of the disease here so life has been pretty 'normal' for us for a long time now. We really are very fortunate to both live where we do Smiley Very Happy

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi  @Anastasia @greenpea @Emelia8 @Zoe7 @BlueBay @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @outlander 


We had brutal weather in Melbourne over the weekend - after a short but wonderful autumn flush as well - and that cold, bleak, wet, windy weather drove my pain back and I am feeling very tired this week - boring - I am seeing my pain specialist next week


So not much is happening - I think I am organising myself better after having the shoulder ablations - I would be a lot better if my back was not getting in on the act - those facet joint injections lasted 12 months and that is a bonus -  I guess I need another serve of that - I was hoping it was permanent though I really knew it wasn't


But I am okay - I have been reading a lot lately - as well as the books I got from the Book Depository someone lent me a wonderful true story and my daughter gave me her James Herriot books - you know - the original Yorkshire vet. Sometimes I laugh and laugh reading those stories


I am really enjoying those books - and I think it's time to order more



Re: Life can be a Pain

Hey @Owlunar A heads up - your tag didn't work so it may not have for others either Smiley Sad

Sorry to hear your back is not coming to the party - stupid back pain ...know it well Smiley Sad Hopefully your shoulder isfeeling much better and you can get some help with your back.


The weather is just about the same here in Tassie at the moment. I walked a distance in the rain this morning after dropping off my car for a service then Mum picked me up. It was pouring at the time so although I had planned to walk to my parents' place from the garage it was just too heavy. Been very windy all day too so pleased to have Toby home where we are all safe and sound.


I am so pleased you have found some books you enjoy - I rarely read for pleasure anymore - just too much to do for work - but have 2 autobiographies on my side table ready to go when I can find the time. 

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar  Hey Dec sorry to hear your pain has returned :(. The weather here has been sunny and cool but is set to change on Friday. I dont mind the rain and I have been gardening making use of the sunny weather. Hoping you start to feel a bit better and continue to enjoy reading the books. Love peaxxx

Not applicable

Re: Life can be a Pain



Re: Life can be a Pain

 Hi @Anastasia @greenpea @Emelia8 @Zoe7 @BlueBay @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @outlander 


Update on the pain problem - which is my life really and I am used to it.


I had a bad day with it yesterday and by lunchtime I had taken enough medication and there was nothing else to do but to prop my shoulder up with the wheat pack and watch TV - and I went to sleep for hours - that was the best thing


Today I feel much better - 


Hey - it's Friday already - how did that happen?




Time for coffee - Moccona classic  coming up - anyone like one with me?Time for coffee - Moccona classic coming up - anyone like one with me?

Re: Life can be a Pain

Glad you feel more comfortable today @Owlunar . 


And yes, time for a cuppa for me too I think, and I would love to join you.


Em ๐Ÿ’•

Re: Life can be a Pain

Sorry about yesterday Dec, sleep is good and I am glad you are feeling better today. I would love to join you for a cuppa please @Owlunar @Emelia8 xox