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Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar  Hey Hunny though about you over Easter and wondered where you were and if you were going alright. Take care beautiful and drop us a post when you can. Love peaxxx

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar thinking of you 💕




Re: Life can be a Pain


Hope you are doing alright.


The pics posted by your friends are def worth it.

Cheers Apple


Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @Anastasia @greenpea @Emelia8 @Zoe7 @BlueBay @Shaz51 @Appleblossom 


Yes - I did need to take time out. My Easter was okay - still there were two anniversaries that seemed to get me down though I don't intend them to - darn - they mostly made me tired. It would have been my wedding anniversary - I have been divorced for longer than I have been married - why did it matter this year? I really have no idea but it did. And then it was the date my son went into Juvenile Detention and I had not thought of that anniversary either - but here we are - those dates have passed


So yes - @Anastasia  - I know who you are - and wonderful owl pics - I so love all those pics peeps - and Apple - I hear what you are saying about your son circling - or perhaps not - rather the effects it has on you - ah indeed - even though this year my son has his 35th anniversary I still have my moments about his life and how it disrupted mine - mental illnesses do impact more than just the patient - and make more patients with depression. It is a pain-filled situation


And @BlueBay  - I do understand how painful your mother's behaviour affects you - been there - I don't understand why you keep contacting her though - she won't change. It is heart-breaking. I hear you and I get it. And I am glad you have resigned from your job - you need a good rest


And of course we put our clocks back and hour over the weekend - ooh - I always feel jet-lagged when we interfer with the time - I do enjoy daylight saving - it's just changing the time that bothers me even though my digital clocks change automatically - I have one in the kitchen that never changes so I know what's what and what the time is really 


This thread must contain the best dynamic owl collection - I would like to thank all the contributors - I am still wondering where everyone finds them - better picture hunters than I am - thanks everyone


My shoulder has improved but not as much as I would like - the medication I take which is highly restricted and very expensive works really well - I never take as much as I really need - I would be in a bad place without it. I have been advised against shoulder replacement - I have already lost a year with the shoulder problems and COVID - I am not going to waste another year so I guess I will up for stem-cell replacement which can be done by my specialist in his office but for now I am happy to get by with the special medication.


Thanks for all the tags and messages which I only saw when I opened my computer this evening - I am pleased that so many people care when I take time out, 


I have a lot to catch up on - I hope people had the best Easter possible - I had my daughter and son-in-law here on Sunday - we had Easter buns and exchanged Easter Eggs and bunnies. I had a visitor on Monday - and we had the local fireys around on Friday for the Good Friday Children's Hospital Collection. How quiet the streets were during the lock-down and the difference when people - and kids - poured out of their homes with donations for the sick children. It was amazing and fun


Thanks everyone




My Easter Contribution to the dynamic owl collection on this threadMy Easter Contribution to the dynamic owl collection on this thread



Re: Life can be a Pain

And I have had "the jab" too - a week ago - no problems - I would like to encourage other people and how the roll-out gets faster for those who are up for it



Re: Life can be a Pain

Dear @Owlunar 

So good to see you my dear soul sister. Love and hugs and then some more of both because you are very special to me 🙏💕🙏

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar  Yay! you are back xxxxHeart

Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar Those anniversaries can often sneak up on us Smiley Sad Apart from that it sounds like you are getting by and doing really well. Having your pain more under control would be helping and I hope the stem cell treatment works wonders for you. It is good to see our wonderful owl back Heart

Re: Life can be a Pain

This old owl is happy to be back @Zoe7  - there are times when I take time to myself and I feel okay about it - as everyone needs to. I find I return refreshed when I spend time alone - that's a pleasant state for me


These anniversaries - we all have them - and there are enough of them that I think I don't need to commemorate them all every year. I like to get away interstate in July - I couldn't last year - I have been vaccinated and hopefully I can get away this year - I don't want to get tangled up in any snap lock-downs or need to be in hotel-isolation so I am waiting patiently to see what happens.


It would be great to have less pain in my shoulder - it is a lot better than it was before the ablation - it seems to get better with each one - and there is stem-cell replacement. Actually I seem to know more about these things than my GP - I guess my natural tendency to reseach whatever I am interested in is a good trait to have.


For me getting older has some definite positives - I have a feeling of peace regarding the uncertainties of life - there is no use getting upset about things until they happen - I have been okay about the lock-downs etc - being okay alone at home and having a lot of interests. I hope my on-line friends have such a relaxed state of mind going forward - it is something I did not expect and a certainly better way to live compared with the dark years in my past


Thanks Zoe - and I wish you the best




Actually what I really want to do is to go to Cairns and practise my life as a beach bumActually what I really want to do is to go to Cairns and practise my life as a beach bum


Re: Life can be a Pain



Hi Pea - good to see you there - and I really love looking for pea pics for you




Hi again PeaHi again Pea