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Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

This is a photo of me.  Please use it however you see fit.
These photos were taken exactly six months apart.  The one on the left was when I was so depressed that I couldn't walk, in fact, it was physically painful to stand there and smile for the photo.  The other photo I was just happy that I wasn't sick any more, I had beaten depression and was well on my way to recovery.
Depression photo.jpg

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Thank you, Appleblossom.

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

This is one of my own paintings from 2008, called 'Seven Days' - it represents how my mania can grow into whirls of intensity.SevenDaysCO.jpg

Re: Images of mental health and illness; what should it look like?

Hi @Charli @Dican @TonyTTT @Robert @Mazarita @Crazy_Bug_Lady @Pooh_bear, thank you for sharing. Such beautiful pictures! On the topic of representing mental illness, I thought you might be interested in this week's Topic Tuesday where we'll be talking about mental health in the media. @Jenni_H, ex-ABC journalist and the current coordinator of SANE's Stigma Watch program, will be joining us from 7pm-9pm. It would be great to have your input!