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I like to Move it Move it

so A lightbulb literally went off in my head and I began moving every day and am realising its the best thing for my mental health. I spent the last three years in a clinical depression stuck in my house mainly in bed not functioning  and now Im walking or swimming each day. I feel calmer and content.... my thoughts arent as dark or ugly anymore.  I find swimming more solitary where I can watch my thoughts.... think about random  things, focus  on my stroke or just watch the sun dancing in rainbows through the water.  Walking theres always people and dogs I come across. When I first started I could only look down now Im noticing the trees and flowers and dogs and people. A little more practicing social engagemenmt without conversatons and people demanding my attention. I feeel more connected to the land, water , plants and animals perhaps in the future I can be more connected with humans too. 


Re: I like to Move it Move it

Hi @BraveOne ,


Congratulations on your recovery, I would love to hear more of your stories! Smiley Happy


I too find physical exercise very healing while on my way to recovery. Staying in bed too much will make me dull, too much mental work will make physically weak. I have to gradually take on a different career, so I work with people instead of technology.


I enjoy swimming and the gym, but also keen on practising martial arts to keep me safe. I haven't been back to hiking, the last time I rushed in, I feel dizzy and too weary about vomiting and fainting. One day soon, I will return to hiking and camping and be back with my adventure team.


Also, I knew of someone who had severe burnt due to being caught in fire, she got back in health with regular exercising. Initially she could hardly walk any longer, having through multiple skin graft surgeries. It took her 3 whole years to get back walking, running and dancing, now she's back to her old self, though trauma, anxiety and depression still ineveitably crept in.


Nevertheless, glad you made it through and thank you for your story too.


Take care.


Re: I like to Move it Move it

Hi @BraveOne YEAH!!! GO YOU!!! Confetti Is A Symbol In Celebrations And Special Festivals Stock  Illustration - Download Image Now - iStock

I'm really happy to hear you've found something that really helps you. I can see how beneficial it is for you. You're more mindful of your body and your surroundings, and you feel more connected to Earth. I don't know you, but I'm celebrating so hard inside for you right now!!!!!!

Re: I like to Move it Move it

Thanks so much @Lilaca  Great to hear you're moving too. Martial arts is awesome to explore. When You're ready you'll be back hiking and on bigger adventures out in the world. For now it is what it is. 

Looking back my body was so exhausted from lIfe and stress.I felt oppressed and scared most of the time and just needed space to be where nothing and nobody needed anything from Me.  I remember the only movement was in thoughts... or no movment at all. repetitive thoughts were debilitating..... and one thought may not have turned into an action for days, months , years . I was so unwell and needed time and space to be with the exhaustion. It lifted over time and now Im emerging with finding ways to sustain my energy. I guess its really about trusting the process and knowing things will get moving in their own way. Im not moving because I think I should or downloading a tirade of thoughts that justify why moving is good for me however my body is ready to move now and I am following its wisdom.

Re: I like to Move it Move it

ohhh @Aniela  so amazing to feel your elation and joy for ME. Yes Ive walked a friggin huge journey and emerging into the world again. Its wonderful to feel your acknowledgement and celebration of things moving in me over time. helps me come to a place of going bloody oath I am doing well and realising that movement is good medicine for stress lately , knowing that its a safer way to deal with stress by moving it out of my body and choosing it rather than other defaults that dont show care and respect for myself and my body. Thanks for taking a moment to join the party. Cheers big ears!!!

Re: I like to Move it Move it

What a lovely post. Very much enjoyed reading this and sharing in your achievements. 



Re: I like to Move it Move it

Hi @BraveOne and all, me too with finding mostly wordless walking and taking in nature, the world around me. Same with years of being in bed most of the time. I started to come out of that in 2014 and could barely walk due to inactivity, not without a great deal of pain and distress.


It's taken seven years, but just last week I danced for two hours straight at a healing dance workshop (amazed I did it, never thought I'd dance again). It was slow slow and backwards forwards improvement, over time.


Aside from that I'm finding being out and physically active is helping me to balance my hyperactive brain a bit more with my body. This is amazingly helpful.


I haven't got to daily with it yet, doesn't matter if I never do. I'm just going with the flow and enjoying the healing effects. 

Re: I like to Move it Move it

Wowsers @Mazarita amazing to hear about your 7 year journey. Tiger come a long way! Congrats for getting through three two higher dance class! Good on You! 

Re: I like to Move it Move it

Thank you @BraveOne that is such an encouraging story.

I struggle with balance and yoga helps me with that. It settles me a bit.

I want to do more walking in nature.

Hi @Aniela @Mazarita @Pato @Lilaca good to hear from you on this topic as well.

Re: I like to Move it Move it

@frogAhhh thats awesome to hear. Balance is something I would like to develop too.Great you have found yoga helpful for You.