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Senior Contributor

I am excited!

Hello everyone,

I honestly have no idea where to put this,

But i am actually excited about something.

My long time friend has returned from overseas after being away for 8months, i caught up with her last night, we had a few drinks and lots and lots of talking.

God how i missed her blunt honesty/truth we don't and never have dallied around an issue, we are like brother and sister, but not like my sister's and me, i realized that i am actually more me around her and her girlfriend than anyone in my life.

I have something to aim for in my life, it is not anything i have ever thought of before, until now.

Hopefully in the new year, or maybe a couple of years.... depends on how i manage myself etc.

I am going to go travel the world, well as much of it as i can i think.

so i now have a direction i want to go in, i have a whole lot of little goals to achieve to lead up to such an endeavor, 1. i do need to organise a passport.

I have never considered travelling outside of australia, and i have never been outside of australia, but I have decided that is going to be my short term to long term goal, is to get myself under control, balanced and then get some new settings/surroundings.

I just had to write this down, so i don't forget it. and i can remind myself of what i want to do.

Thank you



Senior Contributor

Re: I am excited!



Hello Kato

Just proved my point dude. \Strength to find the courage to do new cool things.



heh heh heh



Re: I am excited!

Travelling overseas is a great idea. Anywhere you pick will be a great experience. I've been travelling since I was 21 but my first trip was a tour as I didn't have the confidence to be on an adventure alone.

Can I come overseas also.. Ha ha..
Senior Contributor

Re: I am excited!

Hey rick
yes I see that you are correct I just didn't realize

Shanc if you want to travel anyone is welcome
I have no idea where I will go but planning on working my way through
my sister has spent a fair bit of time traveling the world so I have plenty of pointers to gain from her
I told my parents today and my sister's as we had xmas early
they are supportive but want to make sure I am well

Re: I am excited!

I'm a poor uni student.. New good and cultures. Must feel great to have something to look forward to. I've lived overseas over 4 years and happy to offer advice if I can help
Senior Contributor

Re: I am excited!

Well I am poor and unemployed at thee moment but yes something for me to aim for

Re: I am excited!

Rich in character though @kato and @ shanc, and character is the measure of a person's true will come.. I do a lot of it nowadays via good thing about documentaries..seeing views I would never see even I was in the Congo.. Or up the Nile..
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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