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Re: Fragile

yes and no @PeppyPatti its closer to go to brother in canberra , who still ignores me unless I push things. sister not talking as is the norm last 13 years now, so dont really have more social contacts vs None in WA lol

also regional centre near here doesnt even have heated 25m pool (14m WTAF) no bunnings no stratco, no good guys ok bit minor, and town moved to is a lot like Stepford Wives . 60 yo f pharmacy assistants on min wage happy to hand out sermons at drop of a hat, so my M.O. is repeating what I said as obv I am right, so they repeat idiotic statement with belies my personal experience. I try not to talk to them. town in dying full of empty shops, think hardware is next one to go. I joined RSL thinking would get to talk to people who had been in defence. they only open once a month and thats for fundraising meal nite. went twice, stood in corner, could have been a hatstand. someone asked me where I was from . was late enough in nite for me to return 'Mars' that shut them up.

so am done with trying to force socialisation. next dr neighbor is a d!ck who wears a cowboy hat , rides fake harley works 3 days a week in backyard workshop , when mentioned it in passing he cut me off and walked away. he would owe 4 years taxes to ATO and prob same to centrelink re pension lol what a dork

used to go to supermarket most days, go every 3rd day recently no interest in being seen out and about. when at home and inside, I could be anywhere, so rather be here lol

anyway , orig plan was to go to adel once a month to swim in real pool, get massage, see friend, but study sort of got in the way of that.I go there once a fortnight, but want to go straight home after. 

solutions? hit super up to get more cash flow, spend more time in adelaide

try not to get more $3k dental bills, pray O/S inheritance comes through soon and for reasonable amount lol an look after my health so feel better about life and can work when I want to again. yeah. ups and downs.

was from SA originally been back 12mths now. b4 that last 10 years 90% in WA, last 15years mostly WA actually but was coming and going til 10 ish years ago.

Re: Fragile

No Bunnings ?? 


it's good you have a vibe / feel for your neighbours. 

And non heated pool. 

The RSL may be a no go hey ?


Mr Rocker and I went to a pub starting with a. In Adelaide.  He offered me a gin and tonic ----- I told you this it ended up being water but I was pretty excited thinking I could start drinking alcohol then. Our old highschool friend was my first experience of talking to a conspiracy theorist. 


 I dream of leaving my public housing unit which will happen sooner than later 


I'm safe 

I live in Subiaco 

It's very leafy. 

Officeworks is just down the street. 

The local cafe makes coffee for only $4:50 


No water rates or council rates. 

No maintenance. 

There's a big enclave of alcoholics and iv been ----- how do I get myself in this mess but as I wear overalls most of the time I promised to buy a alcoholic lady who is dating our friend a pair of overalls on second floor. 

Are you doing your year 12 ? 



Re: Fragile

Really lovely to see you both @Zoe7 @Faith-and-Hope 


old times…


guessing you are still in the trenches faith


hugs apple

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