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Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

the waiting game really sucks doesnt it @Molliex i hope that you might have some answers at the next appt with my fingers being crossed its an at least ok answer.

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Oh @outlander, you've had an awful lot to deal with in regards to your health. It must be very wearing on you.

I hope that the surgery will provide some answers 🌼🤞

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hey @Molliex , how are you going?



Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hello @Angels333. Thanks for checking in. I've been meaning to see how you are, but I haven't been around much.


I'm still in limbo, but it's looking like it's not going to work out. It's been an awful couple of months. I'm actually doing ok all things considered. Comfort eating a bit much, but oh well.


How are you managing lovely? 

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hey @Molliex  sorry that it seems to not be working out.


I'm eating far too much also!


I am watching a show with Mr Angels now and then off to bed



Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hey @Molliex  thinking about you 



Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Thanks @Angels333 . I haven't been around much lately. I am just so tired.

I am still im limbo, still pregnant currently. Things are not looking good for a variety of reasons, but for now it is wait and see. My mental health is suffering a lot living in this sort of limbo. I'll see my psychologist next week, but I may ask for referral for someone who specialises in this area.


How are you lovely? Although I am not here much, I still think of you often x

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Sorry to hear it's so tough @Molliex .  It's understandable that your MH is suffering.   I think you're an amazing and strong woman and you will get through this no matter what the outcome.   But I  agree get the specialist MH support you need.   Because honestly no one else can truly know how you feel.    I am always here for you.


Myself, I  have just enrolled at TAFE to study Diploma of Mental Health.   I need to get out of the pool.   The Diploma is 2 years study and I'll have to keep working in the meantime at the pool.   So I am working tomorrow and I have the usual anxiety that comes along with it 😪

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Wow, study! Good for you @Angels333 💚

Have you started already? 

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

I'm waiting for the teacher to upload my course onto the student portal.   I thought it would be done by today 😞 but I've waited around all day doing absolutely nothing!    I was thinking whether I should ring them and find out how long it is meant to take... I'm very keen to start.