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Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

sending love and hugs @Molliex Heart

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Thank you @outlander. Always needed and appreciated x

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

@Molliex 💙

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

I would be devasted too @Molliex.   I  must have missed that Sherry left 😒  



Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

She posted on her thread. I feel sad for her @Angels333 and worried.


Thankfully there are still wonderful people like yourself on here 💚


On my way to the office now. A distraction from everything else at least. 


Have a lovely day @Angels333 and @outlander 🌼

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

hi @Molliex just wanted to stop in and see how your going?

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Thank you for thinking of me @outlander, very nice of you. I'm trying not to think. If I don't think, I'm not doing too badly.

How are you lovely? 🌼 

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

sounds like it might actually be abit tough then hey @Molliex im around if you need to talk though.

ive been quite sick and in pain, have a procedure in 2 weeks time that might provide some answers though so just holding out till then

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Is your operation in regards to your jaw @outlander? I've been out of the loop for so long, I'm ashamed that I'm not up with what's going on with you.


Yes. If I think of the likely outcomes I'm devastated and not sure how I'll process it. 

So I'm trying not to think too much. Next appointment isn't until 13th, so until then there's nothing I can do 💙💜💚



Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

ive had my dental surgery but have alot of ongoing issues since then so i am still under the care of a dentist and the surgeon @Molliex however no this one is just a gastroscopy to see if they can work out what is causing my persistant (and often severe) stomach pains, nausea and other symptoms as well. its been ongoing for about 6 weeks now but i only seen the specialist a month ago and he ran a heap of tests, this one is the last one for now besides one that might need to be done but in a hospital setting as well as it looks at all the veins in the organs.