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Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

@Molliex 😞💕

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hey @Molliex  it all so emotional and stressful and downright horrible...    I  really hope you're okay.   I'm here to listen this afternoon 😘 


Sending you strength and hopefully some calm.    



Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Thanks @Former-Member and @Angels333.

Just a waiting game now. 2nd round of tests on Friday and hopefully some concrete answers. 


It's exhausting. I'm just so tired. And sad. I could deal with it not working out, but less with all this stuff. 

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hey @Molliex ,  still tests...   it must be so draining...   Is your family helpful?

 Thanks for keeping me posted 



Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

I'm so tired @Angels333. My family doesn't know, apart from my husband. No use worrying them if I don't have to.

Thank you for checking in x


Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Thinking of you @Molliex 


Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

@Molliex  .. thats so hard for you.  More waiting, more tests .. all the while knowing that its highly unlikely that there will be any favourable outcome  I am most definitely wishing for the best possible outcome for you however.  One never knows.  Yes, its little wonder you are feeling exhausted, tired and very sad.  Both physically and emotionally, this has all been an enormous drain on you.


I forgot to ask you this morning if you had someone with you when you went for your Dr appointment.  Reading your response to @Angels333 , I see that you havent told anyone other than your husband.  So I really hope that your husband was able to attend your GP appointment and subsequent hospital tests with you.  This is really not something you should be going through alone.  Once all the physical stuff is sorted, I hope you will be able to get in to see your psych as soon as possible.  You may find you need some additional support to help you through this.


I am really sorry you are going through this.  Life really is so unfair sometimes.


Sherry 😔💔🤗🌸

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

@Molliex  I understand, it's tough with family.    You are carrying so much on your shoulders.   I'm really concerned about you but I know you, you are amazing.



Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

I've told some friends, so between them and the forum I have some support. I went alone today because my husband had to stay with my daughter. It was ok. I'm going to go to work tomorrow, because sitting at home will make me feel worse. Hopefully the pain is manageable. 


You don't need to worry about me. I'm sad and tired, but I'm dealing with it ok. Thanks lovely ladies for your support @Former-Member @Angels333 @BlueBay 

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hi @Molliex ... I'm glad to hear you are coping reasonably well at work, tired but managing.  I know you need the distraction right now.  


Tomorrow you have further tests I believe.  Will hubby be going with you this time, or perhaps one of your friends who are aware of whats going on?


No words from me will make things any easier I know.  But I really feel for what you are going through, and will be hoping everything goes as well as it possibly can for you.  Sending a big hug and lots of love your way.  


Hi also to @Angels333 @BlueBay @outlander @Eve7 


Sherry 💕🤗🌺


Image result for Hoping for the best for you