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Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

I totally agree @Molliex - on all counts Smiley Very Happy 


I am very much the same as you - and I think a lot of people are - the more tired we are the worse we feel and it can become a vicious cycle as when our depression gets worse we also feel even more tired. It is hard to get out of that cycle so I am pleased that you have good support around you.


I am in a lot of pain. Hurt my back again today when a kid at school ran into me with their little bike. Kinder kids just do not have any spatial awareness and unfortunately I was in the way so they crashed into my leg. I had to be driven home so a weekend of trying to recover as best I can - super sucks but nothing I can do about it.

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Pls don't apologise for not being around @Molliex 

@you are in need of support snd help

pls reach out. been tired affects us mentally and physically. I hope you can rest a bit. Hope your little girl is doing well. 

Here for you ❤️❤️

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Ouch @Zoe7! Hopefully you can watch some comfort viewing and feel better asap x Thanks for your support 

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hi beautiful @BlueBay. I'm so happy you got that job.. It really cheered me up. My girl is great, it's her birthday next week. The days are long, but the years speed by xx 💙💜

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Watching cricket at the moment @Molliex but will watch a lot of BBC/UK tv on Foxtel I suspect over the weekend. Not much on free to air tv on a weekend.


Tag me anytime Hon - happy to walk along with you when I can. Will be around over the weekend so anytime you feel you need that support or just want to chat then reach out to us here Heart

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hi @Molliex , I'm a new member hence me just seeing this now, so I hope you don't mind me replying here.


I'm sorry that you're struggling with intrusive thoughts and the other things you mentioned. If it makes you feel any better, I know how you feel. I also have intrusive dark thoughts and sometimes I don't feel like I'm in control of them at all, or fully, and I don't know why. It's a repetitive cycle of bad thoughts for me. For me personally, it's like when I get a happy positive thought in my head, my brain is like "get that happiness out of here, you don't deserve happiness", that's just my brain and I don't know why, no matter how hard I try.


I also have insomnia and I'm adjusting to new meds too, which I've been on since the 1st or 2nd of Feb (yes this month), although when I get my prescriptions in the mail from my psychiatrist, they'll be upped, so I understand how you feel there too, although meds, treatment, mental health etc is similar yet different for everyone.


For a suggestion, maybe you could try walking if you're up to it? Doesn't have to be a long walk, sometimes it's just nice to be outside around nature and get some sun and fresh air, depending on the weather of course. Maybe you could have a picnic even with just you, or sit somewhere and sketch your surroundings if you like art?


Of course it's all up to you, just suggestions. I hope you don't get hospitalised, and I really hope that you're alright. I'm here if you'd like to chat about anything or if you just need someone to listen then I'm here for that too, I care and I'll try my best to support you which hopefully I can somehow. Please don't harm yourself or any other silly things, I can see lots of people care and support you here and that's great to see.


I think it's great that you joined the forums and reached out and shared your story, so good on you, that in itself is brave and courageous I think. Take care and all the best, stay safe.


Love and hugs,


Tayla (I'm 20 by the way) xxx

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Oops I meant to say brave in my message not grave, silly autocorrect, I'm so sorry @Molliex and others!

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hey there my friend @Molliex great to hear a post from you.


I  am very sorry to read about your tiredness.  I understand the worry about slipping.  It was only a few months ago I was in crisis and the concern is natural.   My words to you is you've got this dear friend xxx


I hope you can find something to ease your tiredness like cutting back somehow.   I  also hope your gp can help you too.

Sending positive energy to you @Molliex 


Also, it doesn't matter that you can't comment on the forums, just know that you are a ray of sunlight to me when you do.


Love Angels333 


Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Thanks @Zoe7. Right back at you. I'm not around as much any more, but I always see my tags.

I'm getting my first tattoo this weekend, so that's my excitement. 

Re: Dealing with intrusive thoughts - my struggle!

Hi @Former-Member. Thanks for your post and welcome to the forum. Anyone is welcome to post on my thread.


I'm actually training to do a charity hike at the moment. Last weekend I did a 4 hour bush walk. I also got to the gym, which I love. 


I've been in therapy since May. I've got some great strategies to deal with my intrusive thoughts - just need to put them into place.


Do you have a thread with your story? Link me if you do and I'll go back and read so I'm caught up 🌻 Sounds like we have some struggles in common 💙