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Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

I spoke with the LAC who advised me that putting in a request for a plan review was a bad idea as I'm likely to lose funding. I said I didn't care as the funding I have is almost completely useless being that it is in the wrong areas. She told me that as I'm self managed I can use my core funding (where most of my funds are tied) for capacity building as long as it goes toward my goals. (Wondering if this is something you've heard before @eth because it definitely isn't my understanding?) This is the very opposite to what the support coordinator has told me and the first I've heard of this.

I asked if that included/meant I had funding for a mental health worker and she said definitely. I have been all but screaming for support with a qualified and experienced MH worker since I stopped working with mine when I became an NDIS participant. A mental health worker is an essential part of my 'team'. All I've heard until now is that I don't have the funding for one, but according to the LAC I could have been engaging with one since my plan started. The LAC gave me details of another support coordination organisation and this afternoon I had an awesome chat with them about getting some support that might actually help me.

Because I don't trust anyone and this was the first I'd heard about using funding between categories, I called the NDIA to double check that what the LAC said was right so I knew for sure what I could do before going through the process of working with a new support coordinator. I was told that it would be fraudulent to do what I'd been advised by the LAC to do and if I was audited I could be removed as a participant of the scheme.

I'm done and I give up now.

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

@CheerBear  Sorry you feel that you've given up.  Yet another knock-down by NDIS, I do understand how you're feeling.  If it were me I think I'd be cranky enough to get back to the LAC and roast them.  But I'd also try to have a paper trail about it so that you can show NDIS what the LAC is saying.  Maybe ask them both to email their advice first and then roast the LAC after receiving it.    But I do understand if you just want to throw your hands in the air and walk away.    

What I have been told is that core funds can be moved between core categories, not into capacity building.

I do believe there is a way your plan can be brought to be a good thing but I had a lot of support to get mine working.  Did you have a disability advocate at some stage?  They could help with this - worth getting one if you change your mind over time about fighting to make it work.  

Time to shelve it and do some self-care love.  Thinking of you xx

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

You're very right in that I need to shelve this now @eth. I'm doing my head in and working myself up into a big mess. Thank you for your helpful suggestions. I'll come back to them when I'm feeling more able to think about it all. And thank you for listening. I really appreciate it ❤

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Wish that was true for me @eth but I've always had a disability advocate, and having one has never really made much of any real difference. The review for whether or not I'll continue being an NDIS participant is likely to happen in around late May for me, and I'm fairly certain in the decision I have


There's just nothing here of actual use, and even if there was, I honestly think its time I left disability supports behind, too much trauma and sh*t overall associated with it, and I can't move on from that if I'm still dependent on them. Its been awful ever since I was a tiny 6 year old and I'll be 24 in June. 

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Happy to be hear and listen any time @CheerBear   As my own NDIS journey has evolved I've found it's really important for me supporting others in theirs.  Even if all I can do is listen and empathise.  I suggest taking a break from it for as long as you need, without shutting the door on it.  You can almost  always get time extensions from NDIS if you need them.  You ring them and ask (in my experience) and they'll usually grant extra time.  

Hope today is a good one for you.


"Nothing here of actual use?"  @Former-Member  ????

That's not the feedback I've had.


Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

I meant there aren't any providers or services that are of actual use to me here in the area I live @eth  Sorry I didn't clarify. But as I've said, I've been putting up with this type of stuff since long before the NDIS came about. 

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

I just want to say that I'm sorry if I offended you @eth  as it wasn't my intention at all. I should be more careful with how I word things sometimes. I in no way think there is no use in your advice, in fact, having someone to listen is great and I am extremely appreciative of it. 

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Thanks for clarifying @Former-Member   I appreciate it.

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

So I spent literal hours on the phone today speaking to my disability advocate, planner and so called support coordinator to come up with some at least semblance of a path forward for me, even if not continuing to be an NDIS participant is what has to happen in the end. 


As I wrote earlier, my review is coming up in late May, so I don't really have much time unfortunately. I will be seeing my GP soon and I will discuss all this mess with her also. Basically it has been discovered that it is highly likely that I will be denied to continue as an NDIS participant anyways with financial problems alone, yet alone obviously dysfunctional so called agreements with providers and the clear lack of services in my area that are actually useful for what I need help with, in ways that are actually accessible to me. 


That was discovered based on the fact that less than half of my funding overall has been used throughout my first plan. Again, not due to the fact I don't need it but because there aren't any appropriate services available, which was also confirmed by all the above other people. It was decided that continuing down this road will be more of a detriment as opposed to beneficial, especially towards my mental health. 


I asked if there would have been any difference had I been able to get into an actually professional psychiatrist or clinical psychologist to further cement that the services under a MHCP are inadequate in terms of supporting my access to more appropriate providers and services, and the answer was no, they just don't exist because the NDIS wasn't designed with mental illness/psychosocial disability in mind. 


It seems to be that perhaps if I were someone who is a lot more social and community activity inclined, I would be able to benefit far better because that is the overall view the NDIS has of psychosocial disability, I mean, it does have social in the term itself which never made much of any sense to me if I'm being completely honest. But I'm not, so that plays a large role into why things have played out the way they have. People just don't seem to recognise or give a sh*t that mental illness, disabling or not can have a variety of different impacts on a person's life that are not socially based. 


No one really seems to care that there are people out here who literally can't get out of bed, take proper care of themselves with their physical health, hygiene and overall self-care, who cannot do basic daily functions like clean their homes and maintain a tenancy and so on, who need dire psychological, occupational and behavioural supports to simply enable the most basic of life skills that people without disabilities take for granted because of the functional impact of their mental illness/es. 


Of the few who do, there is little genuine, holistic recognition towards these issues and people are unnecessarily suffering every day because of them. But who am I to talk, I'm just the consumer who most professionals and providers have considered to be too worthless and incompetent to have any valid opinion or say in anything. 


Well, I think its about time I stopped being a consumer because it has never done anything except make me more ill and less functional. And they couldn't care less about me, so I couldn't care less what they think of me doing so, it isn't as if any dose of their own medicine will ever teach them a lesson. I'm over it all, the disempowerment, the being treated like dirt and left to rot on the curb, the being called worthless and a waste of resources, I have to listen to that all day in my own brain folks, sure not going to listen to a double dose of it. 


Maybe others will benefit, but I'm done and more than tired of it all. Guess I'm better off on my own. At least I actually admit the impact that has instead of being ignorant to the reality that is right in front of me. 


I don't know what will happen after I leave, but I will be leaving. I fail to see how much will change, because nothing has changed, the same broken record is still playing and I'm used to it. I'm the only one who has to put up with the sh*t in the end, and watch what little life I have turn to ruins. 


I wish you luck and success with the NDIS @eth  and @CheerBear  but I don't think its appropriate for me to participate in this thread anymore given the above. 

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

@Former-Member   I didn't get notified of your last post sorry.  Don't know if you're still around or not.  

Re :  "people out here who literally can't get out of bed, take proper care of themselves with their physical health, hygiene and overall self-care, who cannot do basic daily functions like clean their homes and maintain a tenancy "  - all these effects of MH should be listed as functional effects of your 'psychosocial' disability when you apply for NDIS.  And then appropriate goals can be identified on your plan, so that your support workers can then focus on helping with all these issues.  That is all doable if it's in your plan the right way.