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Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?


@eth ðŸ’œðŸ¤—

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Hi and good morning to all here today.

Thankyou very much @greenpea @Teej.  It's so nice to be starting the day without the major anxiety I've had for the last 6+ weeks.  I still can't quite believe I have such a good plan considering how I felt dealing with the planner at the review meeting.  A couple of things not funded that are necessary (orthotics and specialised driver training) so I will have to get quotes and see if I can afford to invest in them at my own cost.  The driver training would change my life hugely.  I've kept my car registered and insured for the last 3 years of not driving (well over $1000 a year with reg, ins and servicing) and have decided if I can't get driving again this year I will sell it.  I'd much rather get driving and keep it.

Hope you both have a peaceful day today.  

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Congratulations @eth , thats rly good news! Must be a big relief for u.

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Thanks @Doglover  it certainly is!

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

That is really great news @eth! We hope that you're able to get out and drive again. Heart

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Thanks @Ali11 

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?


Pheeewww! You can finally breathe a little easier! 

The 2 year plan allows for a lot more sense of security. 

Smiley HappyHeart


I have my implementation meeting for 1st plan next week.

Smiley IndifferentSmiley MadSmiley SurprisedSmiley EmbarassedSmiley Sad

Lots of feelings ...


Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Thanks @Appleblossom  yes it will be great not to have to jump through the hoops again this time next year.  

Hope your plan meeting goes very well for you.

Endeavour Foundation have some really good resources to help prepare for it on their website.  They have a booklet you can do to get ready.

Also I think it's around p57 or p59 of this thread there's a list of questions you are likely to be asked at your planning meeting.  And it was almost exactly what happened at mine last year.  

Basically the whole thing hangs on permanence of your psychosocial disability (supported by reports e.g. psychologist) , functional effects of it (more than the actual diagnostic label) in the categories on your initial access request form, and goals that you have.   

I'll just have a look to see if I got those page numbers right.

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

@Appleblossom  here it is :



LAC or planner starts with introduction, role, purpose of visit, invitation to take breaks where needed, can come back another time if too distressful
Starts with following questions:
Participant statement
How to achieve them?
Tell me who you live with?
Describe a normal day? 
What time do you wake up?
Do you go out?
Where do you go?
With whom?
How do you get there?

Uses laptop with pre-populated questions from NDIA
Following questions are for all types of disabilities 5-65 years, some questions may not be appropriate for individual but are to be asked anyway.

Do you have any trouble standing for 30 mins?
Do you have any trouble attending to house responsibilities?
Do you have any trouble learning new tasks?
Do you have any trouble attending community activities?
Do you have any trouble with your emotional health?
Do you have any trouble concentrating for 10 mins or more?
Do you have any trouble Walking 1km or more?
Do you have any trouble washing/bathing yourself?
Do you have any trouble dressing and grooming?
Do you have any trouble speaking with people you don’t know?
Do you have any trouble maintaining friends?
Do you have any trouble managing day to day activities?
Do you have any trouble managing day to day tasks in the last 30 days? (how many?)
Anything you couldn’t do in the last 30 days?
What level of schooling did you complete?
Any post schooling study?
Do you live alone/ with others?
Public/private rental or owned?
Are you employed? 
How long since employed?
Are you looking for work?

Income Questions
What type of income do you receive?

Do you require support with…..
Educational studies?
Do/have you any compensation claims?
Are you able to choose who helps you?
Are you able to choose what you want to do?
Who makes the decisions for you?
Are you able to advocate for yourself?
Do you want more choice and control over your life?
Do you require support with domestic and community tasks?
Do you require support with personal care?
Do you require support with travel and transport?
Do you require support to communicate with others?
Do you require support with getting out of the house?
Does the support you receive meet your needs?
Would you like to get out more?
Do you require support with finances and money?
Do you require support with reading and writing?
Do you require support with accessing and using technology?
Do you require support with self-advocacy and participation?
Do you require support with increasing activities of daily living?
Are you able to call someone if you need help?
Are you happy with how often you see family/friends?
Do you care for others?
Do you have any friends outside of support services?

Are you happy with your home environment?
Where do you see yourself living in 5 years time?
Do you feel safe where you currently live?
How would you describe your current health? (excellent/good/fair/poor)
Do you have regular G.P?
Do you experience problems accessing health care services?
Have you been in hospital in the last 12 months? How often?
Do you feel safe in the community?
Do you have the opportunities to learn new things?
Do you want to access education, training or develop new skills?
In the last 12 months has there been any opportunity to learn new skills that you weren’t able to attend?
Do you spend your free time doing the things you want?
Do you volunteer anywhere or have any community connections (cultural/religious/disability)?
How often do you have a say in the supports you receive?

Family Questionnaire
Do you have a guardian?
Do you receive help planning supports?
Who would you like to help you with planning of supports?

- Not obligated to make a decision on the day. Can inform LAC planner when they call back a few days later before sending plan to NDIA
Do you worry about people taking money from you?
Do you need help managing money?
Do you receive a mobility allowance?
Have you ever declare bankruptcy?
If you choose to self-manage can you anticipate any problems that may arise?
Is your current disability as the result of an accident?

Do you agree to sharing your plan online with providers? (personal details, NDIS number)
Who would you like to share it with? 
Do you currently use aids or equipment?
Do you think you might need assistance aids in the future?
Do you use any continence products?
Are you a recent school leaver?
Do you want to work?
Do you have any worries with anger?

LAC or planner then reads NDIS disclaimer statement talking about reasonable and necessary requests, mainstream, formal/informal and community supports.

Are you receiving help now?
Who are you receiving it from?
How often/how many hours per week? (have this figure before the plan meeting)

Support worker is given the opportunity to speak about support provided. Some useful tips is to include:
How long consumer been with service
How often/hours per week (include travel, case-notes, phone calls, coordinating supports etc)
Areas of current support (any assessments/reports you have eg: psych assessment; if you have an ABI you could provide a psy/neuro assessment; if you have an OT assessment you could provide this etc)
Advocate that current support is minimum consumer requires to maintain wellbeing, ask for more

LAC or Planner
What do you want?
Outline goals?
How often/hours per week?
Summary of goals
LAC or planner advises a report shall be written and a follow up phone call to consumer 3-5 days later to discuss plan goals, check if correct, request to add more to plan, plan sent to NDIA for approval. 
Send through any additional evidence not provided at planning meeting before LAC planner completes report
Once NDIA approved Consumer shall be sent a letter informing them of outcome, before LAC is even aware
Consumer asked if plan wants to be shared with providers? (YES if you want SP to be aware of what’s happening, otherwise you can choose how much or little you share with a SP)
*Ask for LACor planners email and phone number*



Hope it's helpful @Appleblossom  and anyone else who sees it.

Re: Anyone started with the NDIS?

Congrats , I'm glad you got a good plan. I'm still waiting for my first one to come through.  I understand all your anxiety around it, its very stressful as it is a life changing situation.  


I gave up driving because of my illness years ago and I do regret it.  The bonus of selling my car was that I was able to save a lot of money, but the downside is that it's very hard to get back into driving once you give it up.  Plus it can be difficult to get out and about.  You do what's right for you though, if it's not safe for you to drive then perhaps selling the car is a better idea.