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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Eve7 ! How's things? Missing you 🙂 Hope you are well.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I’m ok thanks @tyme just trying to stay on top of my Uni assignments.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Good on you @Eve7 - so incredible that wither everything you are doing.


Good luck with your studies! And your general health? 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover  @Shaz51 @Eve7 @Bow @tyme 

Hope you find the shed key easily @NatureLover . Perhaps you slipped it into a handbag or put it down near the door. 

Perhaps Mr shaz is having second thoughts about some of the stuff @Shaz51... you might have to go through it again when he's up to it?

I like your accountability suggestion @NatureLover. I used to write myself to-do lists. My psychologist suggested a gratitude journal so maybe I could add a goal for the next day. My mood and activity tracker lets me tick off some of the things I've done too but it's mostly set up for chores. 


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Dimity  I found the shed key!! And I'm pleased as in looking for it I cleared away all the bags that had piled up on the floor. So I did more than my 15 minutes extra on Saturday and Sunday. 


I am happy to be an accountability buddy for you if you want...



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Aww, thank you, dear @Bow  ❤️ 


I managed to do my 15 minutes 'extra' on the piled up stuff on Saturday and Sunday. 


Off to check your thread! 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Oh well done @NatureLover with the key and the bags. When the bags pile up are they new purchases? It must be hard to keep with the various stages of storing, disinfecting and the sorting. 

That's lovely of you to offer to be my accountability buddy - thanks heaps. We can see how it works out. I realise you have other commitments like your volunteer position and being a community guide but I'm happy to reciprocate. 

Last night and today I dealt with some papers and found some more, so I'll press on with those tomorrow. I'd also like to return to the stacks of stuff on the coffee table. 


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hi @Dimity , yes the bags on the floor are groceries with nowhere to store them (hardly any storage in this small unit) or that I haven't had the energy to put away. Also lunch bags from work. Yes, it's the need to disinfect things that is so hard 😞



@Dimity wrote:

That's lovely of you to offer to be my accountability buddy - thanks heaps. We can see how it works out. I realise you have other commitments like your volunteer position and being a community guide but I'm happy to reciprocate. 

Oh good! 🙂

I'm usually only on the forums in the early mornings. Do you usually post in the evenings? Or any time? 



@Dimity wrote:

Last night and today I dealt with some papers and found some more, so I'll press on with those tomorrow. I'd also like to return to the stacks of stuff on the coffee table. 

Good luck with the papers today...will you also tackle the coffee table, or wait till the batch of papers are done?


I hope to do my extra 15 minutes today on the kitchen bench. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hello @NatureLover I hope you've made progress with the kitchen bench. I've repacked some books from the coffee table until I have bookshelf space.

My efforts were paused yesterday by a health scare and a hospital visit. Later today I hope to spend 1/2 to 1 hour going through a folder and small box, and shredding.

I usually post later in the day. I'm not a morning person but would love to reset my body clock.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@NatureLover I got 1/2 hr of shredding done today. Tomorrow my helper comes. Perhaps we'll pick up boxes of books to go through. I still have papers to check but it's helpful having transport.