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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Saw an old friend today and seeing a chosen family member tomorrow @NatureLover . 

I haven't heard back from council help yet.

Things look messy and shabby. I decluttered a fair bit yesterday but you wouldn't notice. I'll try to plug on. Decluttering papers is a good idea.

Hope your workday went well.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm glad your visitors seem positive and not stressful, @Dimity . 


Well done for all that decluttering yesterday 👏


Gosh, the council help is so slow to get a hold of! 


My workday went well thanks, but I came home exhausted and still am this morning. Tempted to change my psychologist appt to a Telehealth, but will try to attend in person. It's a 20 minute drive away, which is a big deal for my agoraphobia. 


Then library and supermarket afterwards, then I can thankfully stay home for the weekend. 


I hope the visit by your chosen family member goes well today 🙂

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hope the psychologist library and supermarket trips weren't too daunting @NatureLover .All seem good things to do.

I did a big wash as the cat was sick among some cushions.

It was nice to see my visitor and I've been trying to line up more appointments for different things. My visitor said in their opinion I'm not a hoarder as I don't have rubbish like old cat food tins. But I did have far too much stuff. I guess I'm trying but will need to work harder. I'm not really up to it at the moment. 

The owner who hates trees amd gardens has started cutting things down again. 

My sister is very unwell and has too much on her plate and I just don't know how to help her. I don't know what to do. 

The garden helper is coming Thursday. I have no help in the house or decluttering at present. It's a bit overwhelming but I guess I'll go back to trying to chip away at it. I'll try to tidy the livingroom over the weekend.

I'm guessing you'll work Monday?

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Oh gosh, @Dimity , so much on your plate 😥


I'm sorry you have no help in the house at this time when you're meant to be taking it easy. 


I don't think all hoarders have rubbish piled up. I don't. 


And that awful garden destroying owner!! 😡


I hope your cat is OK? 


My psychologist appt was interesting. We talked about my OCD and my Hoarding Disorder. My psychologist called them both "treatment resistant" and very closely linked together, which makes them harder to shift. 


Yes, am working Monday. Then that evening the neighbours have arranged a Pot Luck Dinner on the front lawn. That's nice of them. They are not inviting the one nasty/angry neighbour. 


I hope you won't put too much pressure on yourself at this time. Sending care.

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

It can't be easy living with your treatment resistant conditions @NatureLover . Would your psychologist have changed their approach if they'd followed through on their suggested ASD diagnosis suggestion? Don't answer if you don't want to.

The cat is well thanks but very slow and sleepy, a bit like me.

I'm glad you have good community spirit there. It's upsetting the garden wars have resurfaced here.


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

It must be very upsetting, and I don't understand it @Dimity . Gardens and greenery promote wellbeing. 


I'm not sure if my psychologist would have changed her approach. Maybe she's treating me as if I have ASD, despite me not accepting the diagnosis! 


I'm glad Tiger is OK. 


I had a lovely day yesterday, most of it outside. Lots of watering. Which means only a little watering needed today. I hope you're coping with your watering, given this succession of 8 hot days in a row. 


You said that your hospital stays had managed to re-set your body clock to some extent and you were getting up earlier. If that's still the case, I hope you're enjoying these beautiful cool mild mornings. 


Am washing sheets and douna cover today. 


Hoping you have a good day. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm glad you had such a nice day yesterday @NatureLover . Some of my plants were quite wilted yesterday so I'll have to try harder re the watering. After 4 weeks there's lots of weeding needed but I'm not up to it, it will have to wait on the helper. 

I'm getting to bed much earlier but struggling to get up when the alarm goes off at 8. So I've not been seeing much of the nice mild mornings. There's a heaviness to everything, but I don't want to give in to depression. The surgeon said to rest for several hours a day but it's quite demoralising. Thankfully I'm getting closer to the end of the first recovery stage.

I'll try to change my sheets today. It was something council said they'd help with but idk when I'll see them again.




Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Wish I could come and change the sheets for you and water the garden. @Dimity 


The mornings are still nice and mild at 8am. It only starts getting warmer around 10am I reckon. 


Are your eyes up to reading while resting? 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I swapped the sheets and pegged out a large wash. I have to do it in several stages.

I haven't been reading but have used the strong reading light to sort a few papers.

I'll try a walk. 

Hope you're enjoying the day @NatureLover.