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Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Hey well done @NatureLover 🎉

2 hours of general tidying and disinfecting is a very worthwhile achievement. 


Do you think it is helping you to post your achievements and progress here?


I imagine it would be encouraging  to have something which is so big for you,  being acknowledged and applauded here. As they should be. 


Please keep posting about how its going,  even on those inevitable days where you dont achieve quite so much. 


Your many friends here want to support you,  in any way we can. 


Emelia ♥

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

@Emelia8  I so appreciate your lovely supportive message, thank you heaps ❤️


It definitely does help when I can report my progress on here. 


You're up is your back after the major surgery? 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

I'm glad its helping @NatureLover ♥


Well,  you know hospital.  There is no such thing as 'up early',  only 'up all night'.  😕😲

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

OMG, you're still in hospital? Somehow I assumed you'd be home @Emelia8  😞

How long will you be in hospital for? Or is it rehab? 



Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Still in Sydney hospital @NatureLover . Will be two weeks tomorrow.  Only got out of ICU and back onto a ward late on Tues. 


Once they decide Im well enough for some in-hospital rehab,  I will be transferred via air ambulance to my regional hospital. 


I am hopeful that may happen on Tuesday. 

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Oh gosh, I'm sorry I hadn't realised, @Emelia8  😞


Sending wishes for you, and hoping you can be transferred this Tuesday... 🤞💜

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Thanks @NatureLover  I hope so too.  Its been tough going. And there were times I just wanted to give up. 


I did posted updates on my thread (or maybe elsewhere?)  the past few days,  but did not tag anybody. 


Anyway, this thread is about you.  Keep up the good work. 


Emelia ♥

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Good morning @NatureLover , @Emelia8 , @Eve7 , @Dimity , @Bow 

We are getting through our 2nd load bit by bit 

Will have one more load to take out or storage 

Things we collect, makes me realise how much we had in our house before the fire and soo much was destroyed 

And now Mr shaz is keeping all the things we saved 

Well done and hugs everyone xxx

Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Reminds me @Shaz51 @NatureLover of all the stuff I currently have in a storage container.  Chockers it is.  Everything from when I moved house when I sold back in September. 


From the house,  I would say what I did with all my things,  including furniture,  effects,  books,  clothing,  linen, garage and gardening tools and equipment,  etc.  Would be roughly:


Given away to charity or friends prior to move 20%; 


Taken to rubbish tip, scrap metal place or hazzardous waste 15%;


Placed into temporary storage until I find a new home to buy 30%;


Moved with me to my small rental unit 35%.


So at some stage I will be needing to go through everything I currently have in storage to determine what I eventually keep.  Some of my decisions will be determined by the size of the house I eventually buy. 


But still a big job ahead,  despite the heavy culling I already did prior to moving. 


Much of it is difficult though,  my late husbands things. And though I am far from being a hoarder (in fact I probably consider myself a minimalist) I am very sentimental. 


I know @Shaz51 you had some really special items,  many of which you lost in the fire. Going thru what's remaining will be an emotionally draining time for you. 


Em 🌷


Re: Any diagnosed germophobes or hoarders on this forum?

Very true @Emelia8 , one day at a time my friend 

Yes and we have all mum's stuff in the house too xx