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Re: A long rave

That's great @eth , i'm sure you will knock there socks off 🙂


Sounds like a pretty busy day @Former-Member 🙂  Did you enjoy the show last night?

Re: A long rave

Hello @eth , I hope you feel you get your message out there Heart your a brave woman! I was wondering how your adult child is going with recovery? You don't have to say. I think these pills are starting to affect me already - maybe it's just the weather? it has been hot. 

Love to you Heart

Re: A long rave

@eth  Tomorrow.


Re: A long rave

Ha ha @Maggie Thats MY King cat's shadow, but he is B&W.

Smiley Very Happy

@Gazza75 @Exoplanet @eth 

Smiley Happy

If you like musicals then thats def the way to go.  

Smiley Happy

I might be drumming this weekend.

Smiley Happy

Who knows ... as family life is a roller coaster atm.


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Re: A long rave



Cats was very good. Wish I could have taken some photos.  costumes were excellent and makeup was terrific.

Such great characters.

I wasn't aware it was such a dance musical.  well their version was.

some amazing talent here where I live

I'm not sure what sort of singer I am actually.

I've sung classical opera jazz country & pop

Who knows

Just trying to strengthen my lower register as it wasn't used at all because they wrongly trained me as a sop opera singer.

I have a good register but my upper register is quite strong so Im focusing on getting it more even thru exercises and singing songs in proper mezzo range.

Plodding along at my pace

Getting a bit more of my course done today online.


Re: A long rave

Funny that @Former-Member 


I am a bit the same. Top and bottom registers stronger and now I need to even out the middle.


Its just in community choirs if people are not confident I sing sop to give true notes, or tenor to bring the men in.   It will be good for me to some solo at some time ... just to keep things interesting.  Any good songs to suggest, from musicals or ...?  I sang Kodaly "Epigrams:" The Fields for recent audition and have heaps of exercises at home when I want to start doing them ... ha ha!

Smiley Happy

Not applicable

Re: A long rave


Download warm me up app onto ur ph.

Its cheap & very good.

I have about 15mins on exercises then do 30-40mins on songs

Doo is a great vowel i discovered to prac with as its quite closed.

I do doo to all exercises as im strengthening.

Been doing it for a few mnths now & noticed a huge difference

Ill get back to u with list of songs i have

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Re: A long rave


Mezzo ones

Bali hai

The impossible dream

I dont know how to love him

Someone like u

I cant say no


Honey bun

Dont cry for me argentina


Big spender

Im gonna wash that man right outa my hair

Cant help lovin dat man


On my own

Some enchanted evening

Wouldnt it be lovely


I knew a pianist in Melb that played showtunes really well

I recorded him playing a bunch & used the backing tracks to perform.



Not applicable

Re: A long rave


Found some more


All that jazz

Nice work

Sunrise sunset

Youll never walk alone

The sound of music

Getting to know u

Re: A long rave

Thanks   @Former-Member Lots of great songs. I have lots of books and still do everything old tek way. On piano. As in I dont have a phone, but will have a look for the app as if I am playing at the same time as singing not good for posture etc ... FInally time to look for ways to make things easy for me.  I am just not used to thinking that way.

Also I was focussing on my son's musicality or girls, my mother etc ...