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Re: A long rave

Good to hear you've worked out the hot water thing @Former-Member 

Like I think I said before,  if you're good at what you do word of mouth will take care of your advertising for you.  And having a business card with good info on it that you share whenever possible.  Community notice boards are really good to.  And ring around the aged care facilities etc that you hope will get some participants from.  Maybe also local physiotherapists etc.

Re: A long rave

I've just been asked to co-facilitate a womens group on the topic of Recognition and Recovery from Abuse.  With only a few days to prepare.  In person meeting later in the week.  So I have to do some prep for that over the weekend.  Really hoping I can do a decent job of it.  But I will stress at the start of the meeting that I am talking as a person with lived experience, not any sort of expert.  And that the session is for education, not therapy as such.  Planning to spend the last part of the meeting going through self-care ideas to end on a more positive note.  Anyone with any suggestions I'd appreciate your input.

Not applicable

Re: A long rave


Retirement villages will only put advert in their mnthly newsletter.

I cant seem to find any community notice boards.

Its harder cause im in a new town. & like someone else said bpd makes u struggle being around people.

Its taken me yrs to b out as much as i am.

Im ok when i teach tho 

Ive just been a hermit for so many yrs its now comfort zone to protect myself from getting triggered off i think.

I should try osteopath places & physios tho that a good idea. Ive got a flyer in one place.


Re: A long rave

@eth We used to end each DBT session with a mindfullness exercise so maybe your could do the same. It used to really help us feel grounded - especially if it was a difficult session. Here is a simple breathing script as an example Mindful Breathing 

Re: A long rave

Thanks heaps for that @Zoe7  It's an excellent idea.

Re: A long rave

You are most welcoome @eth I have several mindfulness scripts for kids but there are plenty online for all ages you can look up and download - it is really is a matter of fining one you are comfortable with yourself.

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7   Yes I've actually led groups in guided relaxation and visualization groups in the past.  But still needed to be reminded!!  One of the books I wish I'd kept from Darwin was a collection of such activities for adults and children.  Had some really beautiful stuff in it.  I culled so radically to move here into a one room cabin and it's mostly books that I miss the most out of all I let go of at the time.  But you're right, you can get masses of that stuff online these days.

Re: A long rave

Hey @eth 

My goodness you have lot going on.

I am still dipping in and out of forum land due to various dramas Smiley Frustrated but wanted to say a belated welcome back, comiserations on the very difficult and triggering situation next door, and congratulations on being invited to co-facilitate the womens group. It's a great thing to make a contribution in that way.

Re: A long rave

Thankyou so much @frog  and lovely to hear from you.  Do you want to talk about the dramas you mention?  I'm going out shortly but will be back later this afternoon.  Take care and hoping you have a peaceful day.

Re: A long rave

Goldfinch ( Carduelis carduelis ) Image taken from: http ...I found (bought) some new Goldfinches @Former-Member @Shaz51 @eth @Zoe7 

- to replace mine that tragically went, to weeks ago.

I had to sell my soul (only kidding) to get them.

Very sadly, still no Bengalese finches are available - there is a shortage, because no-one is breeding them (the bird lady said).

All the more sad, since my Bengalese were happily breeding, before I lost them all.
