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Re: A long rave

Thanks @Exoplanet and @greenpea.  I'm sitting outside to read what I have on paper but a lot of it is on-line.  Going to get changed from pjs and freshen up a bit.  Just had a strong coffee too.  At some stage I'll do a short stint on the exercise bike too.  Sil and I moved it outside in the sun this morning.

There's so much to be done.  Making a list of tasks and questions for different people.

Still feeling overwhelmed even tho' I've made a start.

Re: A long rave

@eth sounds like you have everything well in hand eth 🙂

Re: A long rave

Hello @eth @Mazarita @greenpea @Faith-and-Hope @CheerBear 

My morning went ok after a freezing start (again). There's still frost in my courtyard but a least some sun now. My dogs force me out the door but I was not a willing walker this morning. I'm having a bit of a middle of day slump in energy. Work's been very hard lately and I'm trying to recuperate over the weekend. Hi @Exoplanet I don't know if we've met, but hope you are travelling ok. Wishing all of you well.

Re: A long rave

@frog -8 degrees in South Qld this morning!!!!! who would have thought??  Stay warm lil green frog where ever you are. Hope the rest of afternoon gets toasty warm for you 🙂 xx

Re: A long rave

Hi everyone 👋💕

@eth I often find that taking the first step is the hardest, so I break it down to minutae..... I make a deal with myself to read the first line.  Just breaching the start  often helps, with the thought of, “Okay, I have read th first line ..... I can read th second one ..... and I can stop reading whenever ai choose ....”. I find it helps to take away the “have to” feelings, and keeps it in the moment, especially when there is some sort of deadline.  I tell myself to breathe ..... that there is time, there is enough time ....

Re: A long rave

Wow @greenpea I Iived in that part of the world for many years, and we got below zero but never had a morning like that! I'm a good way south now, and don't like the lack of light in winter. It has reached 10 degrees now but that'll do - a long way from my aching fingers this morning (even with gloves!) You have yourself a good afternoon too Heart

Re: A long rave

hello @Faith-and-Hope, @Mazarita, @frog, @greenpea, @eth

brrrrrr that is cold @greenpea

Re: A long rave

@Shaz51 Hi Shaz51 yes I never thought Qld would ever get that cold but it was on the net!  I forget how big Qld is.... Hoping you and Mr Shaz are doing okish.

Re: A long rave

I grew up in Tasmania, u all should try one of their winters just once......its an experience u will never forget ! 😨

Re: A long rave

Thanks @Mazarita I am a bit better and will slowly get on with things. Thanks for tags @greenpea @CheerBear


I hope everybody's day is good.

Smiley Happy