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Re: A long rave

@Mazarita If you could have seen me strolling through some of the rougher areas where I live .... in the middle of the night totally manic ..... I probably looked like a wild cat which is what saved me lol.

Re: A long rave

Good to know you listen to advice and will take care of yourself with the streets, @greenpea. I still like your freedom of spirit. Woman Happy

Re: A long rave

Wild cats can be pretty scary, @greenpea. I've been a screaming cat myself at times. I scared myself, lol.

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita Mazy I need some advice .,, woman of the village.

Re: A long rave

I'll do my best, @greenpea Heart

Re: A long rave

@Mazarita I have always been a spiritual person but never brought up with any religion properly in any case. A smiggen here and there and myriad of this and that .... a porridge of religions and nothing at all. So for someone like myself it was always a bit of a mess.


I feel like I need something more in my life some kind of spirituality  BUT I cannot believe everything that is preached it is too hocus pocus for my liking .... I like science and spirituality on my own terms .... how can I blend the two together. Is it possible? or am I doomed to be this person on the fringes who never gets settled on either.


I also want/need the community in a social sense to broaden my friendships, What do you think?


Re: A long rave

Sounds like you are looking for a spiritual kind of community, @greenpea, with perhaps a questioning kind of philosophy based in rational thinking. Or a community where different views on spirituality are welcomed.

When I was younger I was searching for something like that and got involved with a couple of spiritual sects for a while. Also, Buddhism I was drawn to. I particularly like group meditation. That makes meditation so much easier and more rewarding for me.

But I've never really wanted to 'join' any spiritual group, so I've kind of just been drawn to people with somewhat similar views on these matters, or at least open enough to discuss the issues and reach some understanding of each other, and learn something spiritual that way. And be able to laugh about differences between us too. This is C and my friend mainly, but other people I've met in the past.

The first thing that came to mind is Theosophy, which is not so much based in rationality. But is about embracing all spiritual paths and learning from the ones we are drawn to or come in contact with by chance. 

My highest recommendation would be some kind of group meditation. It's so relaxing and wonderful at times.

I seem to remember though that maybe you are not into meditation?

These are just thoughts off the top of my head. ox

Re: A long rave

o0o0oo0o0o0o ..... this Theosophy sounds interesting. I bet it is frowned upon by many of the religious communities.

Re: A long rave

Yes you are right I am not much into meditation .... I fall asleep. @Mazarita

Re: A long rave

I don't know much more about it, @greenpea, I imagine it might be. I just sometimes frequented the Theosophy Society bookshop when I was younger, where I found texts on so many different spiritual paths. Some of them scared me!

In your situation and mine, in which we put together some kind of spirituality in fragments, I know what you're saying about how it can end up being a bit confusing. My suggestions in the previous post may not really help with that much.

I hear you on wanting the community and both the spiritual and the rational. I feel kind of the same in what I seek.