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Re: A long rave

@Zoe7 I'm the opposite Hobart's a bit far. I don't even know if there will be matches in launceston again.

Re: A long rave

I have a feeling there is likely to be 2 next season in Launceston - I know that is what they were hoping for but it depends on what the Cricket Australia bosses decide. As long as we keep 3 in Hobart at least I am happy with that. There is a Hawthorn-Brisbane footy match in july in Lonnie - would love to go but it is too far for me to drive @The-red-centaur

For some reason I thought you were in Hobart - must have been the 24 hour Kmart why I thought that - didn't know there was one in Lonnie open all hours too.

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7Launceston had the first 24hr Kmart in Australia I think.


I'm not too keen on footy. 

Re: A long rave

I am going to have to google that and see where the first one was @The-red-centaur - got me interested now ...brb

Re: A long rave

Nope couldn't find what I was looking for but I'll take your word for it - the Hobart store has been open 24 hours for at least 6 years - maybe longer - I know it is at least 6 years because I remember going in there the night before the Christmas Parade to get things we still needed for the next morning and that was 6 years ago @The-red-centaur - think it was about 3 am when I did that - on my way home from school to get things I needed for the next day - was a very long day lol

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7 Launcestons 24 hr been open at least 7 years. In grade 12 we got up to a lot at Kmart at the wee hours of the morning. The night before 'muck up day' (the last day of school) was especially fun.

Re: A long rave

You may be right then @The-red-centaur - Lonnie could have been the first to open 24 hours - I love it - I have made several middle of the night trips when I haven't been able to sleep - great to just walk around with very few people around - btw isn't it surprising though just how many people are about in the middle of the night shopping lol

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7it surprises me how many go in the pjs (or is that just Lonnie coz we're bogan)

Re: A long rave

hahaha @The-red-centaur no I have seen people in their pjs too - maybe they are sleep walking to Kmart lol

Re: A long rave

This is the first time I've watched this show but so true lol.