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Re: A long rave

@Zoe7 What is your favourite Twinnings tea Mine is Chamomile.


Do you use Twinnings tea @Mazarita?

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7@Mazarita Caramello that takes me back. I still enjoy a Caramello Koala now and again Smiley Wink

Re: A long rave

I love Bushells tea @greenpea

Re: A long rave

I love Peppermint too @greenpea and Snickers bars lol

Re: A long rave

@greenpea, my favourite Twinings is cranberry and pomegranate. Oh it is a nice sweet tea! 

@Zoe7, what do you drink? At the Sunshine Coast I'm drinking vodka lime and soda like a virtual fish, with no consequences of course!

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7@Mazarita Bushells is a great tea and peppermint tea is very refreshing I like it too. I love snickers bars and anything Lindt!!!!!

Re: A long rave

Mostly water but will have a Vodka Red Bull when we get to the Sunshine Coast - because there nothing can mix with my meds as it is a magical trip @Mazarita @greenpea

Re: A long rave

Guylian chocolates for me @greenpea - I bought 3 boxes when I was in Belgium and ate all of them by the time the train got back into London lol

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7@Mazarita Zoe7 sorry did you mean that if you mix alcohol and meds it is a 'magical trip'?

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7@Mazarita Yes those shell chocies are delicious! 🙂