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Re: A long rave

@The-red-centaur Yes it is scary. Don't worry we are here for you The red-centaur 🙂

Re: A long rave

@greenpea OMG that is so awesome. I'm so up for this ride.

Re: A long rave

@The-red-centaur@Mazarita@Zoe7@eth@Sophia1 Zoe7 do you want to take the steering wheel? you are so good at this kind of thing. I have to get son2 ready for bed but if you want to take off I will catch up.

Re: A long rave

@Zoe7, I relate to trauma from childhood. I am less affected by it now than I was in my twenties. Then, I was tortured by it. These days I am not fond of large groups and I have very open ears to sound. But this is more a choice for me I think. Still, every day I have anxiety from the jets and light aircraft coming in to land not that far from here. 

@The-red-centaur, sorry to hear the main alien is so negative. I knew a couple who both thought there was an alien in their bedroom one night. I'm a completely different person between my withdrawn depressed self and my manic self. Quite introverted with social phobie on the one hand; highly social (if still anxious) on the other end of the spectrum.

@greenpea, all aboard the peamobile! Smiley Very Happy

Re: A long rave

I'm already on to it @greenpea - the peamobile should be ready when you come back lol

Re: A long rave

Re: A long rave

I need to take a break for a bit sorry guys. 

I'll teleport to where the peamobile is if I come back

Sorry everyone 

Re: A long rave

No need to be sorry @The-red-centaur - do what you need to do Smiley Very Happy

Re: A long rave

@eth, just saw your post with the mention of the spiritual healing sexuality you were into. I had thoughts that I was healing people too. In some ways it was actually beautiful, at least in intention.

@Zoe7, what will be our first stop on the peamobile? Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

I agree about it being beautiful @Mazarita and powerful stuff when both (or all!) parties are sharing the intention, doing the breathing combined with tantric stuff ..... those were the days!

I'm heading off now to wind down.  Enjoy the ride all nighters!