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Re: A long rave

Hi @Mazarita @outlander @greenpea @Shaz51 @Appleblossom @CheerBear @Sophia1 @Teej  @Faith-and-Hope @PeppiPatty and anyone else I forgot to tag.  I"M BACK!!!  Got in last night.

Hoping you've all been ok since I went away and looking forward to catching up with you all.  Thanks for the shout out @Mazarita.  Lots of stories to tell but I wanted to say hello and good morning before I go thru' the 230plus notifications in my inbox.  (not all from SANE!).

Seems we have a new look on the forums.  Hoping it's user friendly.

Re: A long rave

Yay @eth Glad you had a great time. Love to hear about it.

@Mazarita  bloomin sleep cycles

@greenpea you are looking svelte greenie.

@outlander yeah ..washing ... eye roll .. lol

@Shaz51 Hi Bella

Have a good day. 

I was cheered up a lot last night at choir.

Smiley Happy



Re: A long rave

Hi everyone 👋

Great to see you back @eth! Hope you had a fab time and you settle back at home well ☺

Re: A long rave

Lovely to see you back @eth. I hope your email list reduces quickly (they always seem overwhelming . Here’s hoping you had a great time away. 💜🤗


just want to drop this off for @Exoplanet too. Lovely to see you on the rave thread 🤗💜


and it was so good to read you have a gentle caring person who listens to you. 

Re: A long rave

Hey @eth, so good to see you! Smiley Very Happy

That's a few emails you've got to dig through there!

Yes, new look forum. I find it user friendly. But there are a bunch of tech issues that are slowly being worked through by admin.

Great to hear you have lots of stories to tell, look forward to them when you are ready. Smiley Very Happy

Will keep this one short for the time being because I've only just woken up. All nighter with me last night and still grabbing sleep this afternoon to deal with the fatigue fallout.

Other than that, I am less depressed than before you left, partly due to the new med kicking in over the past week or so. Smiley Happy

Hope you had a brilliant time in your travels! Heart

Re: A long rave

great to see you back @eth Smiley Very Happy

hello @Mazarita, @Teej, @CheerBear, @Appleblossom

Re: A long rave

Hiya @Shaz51 👋 How's your day going? Hope it's had some good in it ❤

Re: A long rave

very mixed day today @CheerBear Smiley Happy

how is your day going xxHeart

ended up no work today ,Smiley Very Happy

Mr shaz started the day with a headache so when we finally got home from the specialist , he went to bed and is still asleep

just had a cuppa and thinking of all the things the specialist told me


Re: A long rave

That sounds like a lot for you today @Shaz51. Are you OK?

My day is going well enough thanks ☺

Re: A long rave

hi @CheerBear , will be ok HeartHeart


just had a cuppa and thinking of all the things the specialist told me

amm here goes

  • Kidney stable at 24%
  • Have Diabetes
  • Cholestrol is too high
  • have to drink 2 an a half litres of water a day
  • increase the meds I am on now
  • Have Vesicoureteral Reflux
  • arthritis / Hiatus Hernia

but apart from this , the specialist is happy but we need to get these things under control or else , so another specialist appt on the 5th july -- don`t need to see the kidney specialist for 6 months