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Re: A long rave

how is your saturday going so far @outlander xxxxx

Re: A long rave

Is cold and miserable outside @Shaz51 atm just watching a movie with sisters. Am babysitting all day
Hows yours?

Re: A long rave

sunny and cool , but rain is forecasted , so you are sending the rain up here @outlanderSmiley Very Happy

food shopping done for us and mum and soon going to a birthday lunch for a uncle who is turning 80

so rest time later xxx

Re: A long rave

Yea you can have some rain now. Its been a week straight of rain and i have washing to do! @Shaz51

Going out for lunch sounds nice. Hope you enjoy

Re: A long rave

ha ha mr shaz does not want rain my friend @outlander xxx, see you later , off to lunch and mr shaz is very anxious and worried already

Re: A long rave

Hi @Exoplanet Heart Heart Heart Smiley Very Happy Smiley Very Happy Smiley Very Happy Not doing much of either! Smiley Wink How are you today? 

Re: A long rave

hey @outlander, it is raining here Smiley Very Happy

Hello my scotirish sister @Mazarita , how is your day going

Hello @Exoplanet, @CheerBear, @Teej

Re: A long rave

@Shaz51, haha, just replied to you on the other thread. Smiley Very Happy Today is okay, haven't had much sleep so pretty tired. Have been spending time with video making. Had a delicious lunch of rissole sandwiches with relish, made for us by C. I wanted to keep gobbling them!

Re: A long rave

rissole sandwiches with relish--- sounds yummmmm @Mazarita

we had chinese for the birthday lunch , and then chocolate cake , met some more of mr shaz`s cousins, uncles, aunties ect and his 2 sisters came too

ha ha and then my BIL and mr shaz had 2 pieces

hope you can sleep tonight xxx

Re: A long rave

Sounds like a bit of a feast, @Shaz51. Hope it was an enjoyable social occasion for all. Smiley Happy