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Re: A long rave

Thanks @Mazarita
Its steming from the rain and my sister being out in it mostly but in a raincoatm leaving the possibility of illness. Its the way my brain works. Im hoping the event gets cancelled otherwise there will be alot of sick and wet kids. Not even worth it.

Re: A long rave

@outlander, hope the kids stay as dry as possible, and avoid any illness. Has it been raining a lot lately? Rain can make us a bit stir crazy too sometimes. Overcast and wet here too, but between showers. The birds sound happy. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

Yeah its been raining pretty much a week straight @Mazarita ive been out and about in it mostly as well.

They have raincoats at least. Stupid organisers dont tell people it should be cancelled they wait till people get there then say not sure its a good idea but can still go ahead if you want . Very stupid.

Hows your day looking?

Re: A long rave

This day is looking very lowkey here, @outlander. An indoors day most likely. May end up having a sleep later. A few things I'd like to get done as well. Yeah, sounds like they should get their act together with organising the events. Is it a horse event?

Re: A long rave

Hopefully you can get some things done @Mazarita

It is a horse event. Sisters not riding though but no undercover for most of thr time. I cant say too much though as there arent many places that do this event.

Re: A long rave

I understand, @outlanderSmiley Wink

I might go offline for a while now. Been on here for a couple of hours. Still haven't had breakfast. Maybe catch you later. Thanks for the chat. Smiley Happy Heart

Re: A long rave

Catch you later @Mazarita hope todays ok for you 💜

Re: A long rave

Hello MazyHeart

Just wondering how the rubber ducky's going? Hope your sleeping Smiley Wink

Re: A long rave

Re: A long rave

Hi @Exoplanet

Morning @Shaz51 @Teej and everyone passing through today