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Re: A long rave

@greenpea I can't find anything to match my mood, but I tiny bit better I think. Scared of saying it in case the ground opens up under me, as I'm already at the bottom. Meds are a hard one @greenpea. I was a zombie for quite some time on a cocktail of meds. A balance would be nice. I hated being controlled, but there's a price which ever way you go.

I hope for a tiny break in the grey you are feeling. I haven't caught up with news of D. I hope she's doing okish. Nice seeing you round, though I know it's not very helpful.💛💛

Re: A long rave

Morning @Mazarita @Maggie @greenpea and all.

How did you sleep Mazarita?
Hugs for you Maggie and greenpea ❤

Re: A long rave


Re: A long rave

@greenpea, no need to be jovial, GP. We are all here warts and all really. In any case, I haven't heard anything upsetting from you, ever. Let it hang out here any time you want. I read your Worry Room post and won't say much cause I know it's for walking away. But just want you to know I get what you are saying. I feel similarly sometimes. The wild is enticing and something I sometimes miss too. Most of the time though I remember how much pain I was in between highs and just don't want to revisit that place. But I do know how unsatisfactory it is sometimes to feel thwarted by meds.


@Maggie, great to read you feeling a teensy bit better. Whether it lasts or not, you have that for now. 


@CheerBear, I had a spectacularly good sleep last night. Three blocks of it with only very short breaks between. About (count them) 9 hours all up! How are you this morning?

Re: A long rave

Yay for a spectacularly good sleep @Mazarita! Woohoo! Hoping that gives you some more comfortable feelings today.

I have been up for hours driving myself nuts this morning. Just thinking and thinking and thinking. Not a great one for me and I'm tired already. But the world here is starting to wake up now and hopefully with some movement and activity I will be able to put a stop to it.

Do you have art group today?

Re: A long rave

Hello @Mazarita @Maggie @CheerBear @greenpea

Good sleep is transforming Maz - happy for you.

My mood is also very wintery gp, the lack of light gets to me.

I got some good news yesterday - my daughter's brain mri came back clear. They were looking for a tumor, so thank goodness there's no evidence. Though you'd think I'd be happy/positive about this, I just feel drained and flat.

I have been very ineffective at work of late - concentration and focus is way off.

Here's to a better day Heart

Re: A long rave

Hi @frog and big hugs for you also. Really great news with your daughter's results. Understanding drained and flat, even when it happens with positive news. A reflection of the stress you've been under maybe?

Re: A long rave

@CheerBear, ah, those annoying times when the thoughts just keep coming and coming. Getting active soon may indeed help to quieten them somewhat, I hope. Yes, art group today. I'm showered from yesterday so still feeling fresh. I aim for a shower every two days, I find that's all that's needed. It's still an aim more than a reality though. Not showering is one of the most unbudgable of my depression symptoms, embarrassingly. But today all is well. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

Good noews for you and your daughter and family 🙂 I am so happy for you froggy @frog. That put a smile on the pea's face. There is always a touch of happiness in every day if we search long and hard enough for it xxxxxxx

Re: A long rave

Good morning, @frog. What a massive relief with your daughter's test results! I can understand how you might feel flat afterwards though. The worry about it leading perhaps to a kind of exhaustion with the relief. Hope that picks up for you over the course of the day and you are able to fully enjoy that good news.