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Re: A long rave

It almost feels more closed in to me at the moment, in a way. Kind of like entering a quieter room maybe. It could be the softer background colour and the way to get to threads and posts now though (or a funny early morning mood I am in - totally possible). I don't think it's a bad thing, just a different thing.

I read my post above and it said researching a series. It should have said re-watching @Mazarita. I can't read much for long, and definitely not a book. Even tv/movies are a struggle but if it is something I can switch off with I can do it. Has to be a pretty good something to be able to do that with. Great you have your video to get involved in ☺

@Maggie thank you and hugs to you 💗 We'll work through the tech changes and get there, understand that it is tricky and is going to take some getting used to. I hope you're going OK enough today.

I'm going to head out and get my kids up and moving. It's been great to catch you (all) this morning.

Big hugs and best wishes for the start of the day x

Re: A long rave

Big hugs back, @CheerBear, and big good wishes for your day. Heart


Hi @Maggie, nice to see you this morning. Smiley Happy

Re: A long rave

Morning  everyone  ❤ 



@Mazarita love your new avatar 

@CheerBear  i like your new avatar too.  Is there a story behind it?

Re: A long rave

Enjoy @Mazarita !

Re: A long rave

Morning @outlander. Not sure if there's a story so much with my avatar as it is more that it kind of caught my eye and I liked it. It's dark but there's a rainbow (there's alllllways a rainbow) and a unicorn riding on the back of something that looks kind of angry but also tame in a way too. And she's doing it with flair 😎 including close to original cheerbear pink coloured hair - it seemed win win all the way. I want to be like her at the moment I think ☺. 

Hope your day has started off well ❤

Re: A long rave

Of course theres a rainbow! @CheerBear it would be unusual if you didnt. Its quite interesting 


I thought i had the drs until i walked in and they said  i had the time right but its tomorrow  lol. 

Re: A long rave

Oh that's a bit annoying for you @outlander. Hopefully it doesn't clash with anything you have on tomorrow!

Re: A long rave

Nah nothing on tomorrow  not the morning anyway so im alright. My other appts are taking  over next week @CheerBear

Re: A long rave

Darling @outlander am still getting my head around the new forums .... not too sure about it all the pea isn't one for change ... hoping you and @Mazarita@CheerBear@Maggie (especially Maggie as I know you are having a super hard day today) are all doing okish on this wet and drizzly day.

Re: A long rave

Thats ok @greenpea take your time. Here for you ❤