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Re: A long rave

I am probably about the same with plans today @Mazarita. Catt could call and ask me in to the clinic but if they don't, I think it will be a recovery day today. Yesterday was awful and long :face_with_rolling_eyes:

I think I read that you went to your friend's house last night. It makes me smile to imagine you out, and to think of in-person company Mazarita (I like in-forum company Mazarita too though ☺)

Re: A long rave

@CheerBear, so sorry yesterday was awful and long. I had hoped things might go more smoothly and that you would feel more in the driving seat. Recovery day sounds like a great idea. Sending you relaxing vibes


I am much quieter as in-person company. I get shy in myself and hypersensitive to those around me. I can be awkward or disconertingly silent, I think. At other times in my life, and in other situations now, I can be much more lively and talkative, but not so much at the moment. C and I have a fun together at times. Smiley Happy


After I tried to post the above message, the site went down, hence the delay. 


Re: A long rave

Thank you for your kind and gentle encouragement @Mazarita. I've just caught up with posts in the nest and really appreciate your support. I had a meeting after school in a middle vs the art teacher battle that kept the hard going, and then a wonky night with said middle when they cracked it about the meeting. Long day. I'm bean-bag clouding today for sure!


It's hard to imagine you being really shy and quiet. Are you more lively and talktative in small groups/one on one? It's great you have C ☺ I like smaller groups and one on one chats better than big groups. 


Site has gone down on and off, but only briefly for me so far. 


(I had to take the opportunity to edit to add the missing word there, only because edit has been a pain as a mobile user! Yay! It is so much better! Sorry for the double email tag you'll get for that though)

Re: A long rave

It depends a lot on the person I'm interracting with, @CheerBear. I tend to like one on one, or two on one, or as you say small groups, but these days not large groups. Even though I did manage the screening in Melbourne and a lot of people. It was a big strain and I was spun out many times, needing to take my prn relaxants quite often. Ideal visit duration for me is between 1 and 3 hours. After that I may start to get spaced out and strange. I often need recovery time after any social contact aside from C and my close friend.


I feel for middle, hard to be in conflict with a teacher, so much bigger and more powerful. I feel for you having to go through that too, and deal with the aftermath with middle. I like thinking of you in your bean bag. Do you think you might do some craft?

Re: A long rave

I feel pretty similar with the time in conversation @Mazarita. Spaced out is a good way to describe it. I get really tired with lots of grown up people after a while. I can do little people for a lot longer but trying to keep up with lots of conversations is hard.

I feel for middle too. I mentioned my concern about big adult vs small child yesterday. We got somewhere, it took a lot though. Fingers crossed it is sorted soon.

I would like to do some craft but I haven't been able to for a while. My concentration is gone and I feel scattered and all over the place, or too crashed out and tired to do much of it. I think it might be good to have a less challenging project while I'm feeling like this. Maybe something smaller. I am researching a series at the moment and finding comfort in that with the furballs, so that's nice ☺

Re: A long rave

OMG! these changes are very disturbing to the lil pea Smiley Surprised

Re: A long rave

It has buggered up my custom tag .... oh well 😞 your avatar looks great but the change .is doing my head in... *crawls under doona cover* 

Re: A long rave

Hi @greenpea. It's very different that's for sure! Hopefully we can pick it up quite easily and get used to it. I was thrown a little but getting more used to it already. 


Are you using mobile or desktop?


Have you seen the thread that goes through some of the changes? You can find it here if you haven't. 


Re: A long rave

Good morning, @greenpea Smiley Happy


Yes, it will take a bit of getting used to. I'm finding the spacing between lines of the message rather wide!


Lots of space on the page.


Maybe that's a good thing. Once I'm used to the wide open spaces, lol.


@CheerBear, fingers crossed for you and middle both that it gets sorted with the teacher very soon. Sounds like small is good for the craft ideas just now. I have concentration problems in various ways, I think in big part from the meds. Video I can go at very long sometimes though. No reading of books anymore though, as I regularly bemoan here. 

Re: A long rave

No idea what I'm doing, but hoping to offer a little support @CheerBear. Can't get onto your thread. Tech dynasor operations here. 💛💕💜