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Re: Request: A long rave

I'm glad you enjoy them @Adge I wonder about pets here, but think still want to travel, so maybe after that

Re: Request: A long rave

@TAB , @Adge. @Blackbird11 

We found a peachface parrot in our sand pit years ago 

She could not even bite back , so we looked after her and kept her , the children loved her 

Re: Request: A long rave

..probs belonged to someone in as much as any animal belongs to any human , but yeah @Shaz51  lol

Re: Request: A long rave

Ohh yes @TAB , we never thought of that back then 

The poor owners 

Re: Request: A long rave

Gorgeous @Adge 🦜

@TAB 😁

Re: Request: A long rave

hi @Zoe7  😊

Re: Request: A long rave

Hi @TAB Resting with my fur babies this afternoon - how about you?

Re: Request: A long rave

well they let it go , so bad luck lol @Shaz51  I shouldnt have said it, hope it had a good life with you guys

Re: Request: A long rave

hi @Zoe7  not up to much here.well, just in process of knocking back interstate work thought I could have done. prob tv shortly then nap lol rest day I guess ..

Re: Request: A long rave

That is disappointing then @TAB but you know you best. I think I am going to do similar - can't do anything so tv it may be.